Category: Uncategorized

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 6.4.18 – 6.10.18

  • Monday 6.4.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 10: 20 mountain climber (L+R=1) 20 KB Goblet Walking Lunges (10/Leg) *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 8: 16 Calorie Row 16 push ups *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 6: 12 burpees 12 Russian KB Swings *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 4: 8 jump lunges (L+R= 2) 8 knee raises (on rig) Intent: Descending […]

  • Sunday 6.3.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 35 20 DB Renegade Rows (10/Arm) 20 high knees to a 12 inch box/plates 20  DB Floor Press (on back) 20 jumping squats 20 DB tricep extensions 1 minute Max Calorie Row (Keep Track) *coach call- every 5 minutes- 5 burpees, open with the burpees. Intent: This […]

  • Saturday 6.2.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 10 10 Calorie Row 10 DB Shoulder Press 10 Burpees 10 DB lat raises *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 20: 200 Meter Run 6 LEFT DB clean and press 6 RIGHT DB clean and press 20 air squats Intent: 10 minute amrap should be treated as toning- fast and […]

  • June 2018 Programming Breakdown

  • Friday 6.1.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon 5 Rounds: In 90 seconds run 200 m, then 1 minute of: 10 Double KB Deadlifts 1 minute of: Farmers Carry (KB Each Hand) 1 minute of: bent over KB row 1 minute of: KB russian twist 1 minute of: KB push press 1 minute of: rest Intent: […]

  • JUNE 2018 Athletes of the month

  • Thursday 5.31.18 & Monday 6.4.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Musical med balls and stuff that makes them happy!! Lift Back squat- 2×2- round 1 empty barbell, round 2- 25-35 lbs 10×1 Metcon 15 AMRAP 1 Back squat, 1 shoulder press, 1 KB deadlift 100 m run 2 Back squat, 2 shoulder press, 2 KB deadlift 100 m run 3 Back Squat, 3 shoulder […]

  • Thursday 5.31.18 & Friday 6.1.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 5 AMRAP 10 kips 10 jumping jacks 10 squats Skill Deadlift review Lift deadlift Metcon 4 rounds- done together as 1 big group 1 group tire flip/ sled push 10 lighter deadlifts with barbell- coach call each rep 10 box jumps 100 m run

  • Thursday 5.31.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon Complete For Total Time 10 Rounds: 15 Cal Row 10 Push-Ups 15 Ab Mat Sit ups *Rest 2:00 10 Rounds: 12 Wall Balls 9 Box Jumps 6 Ring Rows Intent: Push to keep each workout between 12-15 minutes. Short rep schemes should allow for a hard push and […]