Category: Uncategorized

  • Wednesday 5.30.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 30 250m Row 15 Ball Slams 15 Ring Rows 25 jumping jacks 15 left Lunges w/Overhead plate 15 right Lunges w/ overhead plate 1 minute rest Intent: On the surface this is a cardio based workout. Coach should let the athletes know there is a LOT of […]

  • Tuesday 5.29.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Obstacle course- 7 AMRAP 3 forward rolls Wall to wall lunge walk Wall to wall plank walk Wall to wall bear crawl 3 burpee broad jumps Conditioning Partner mile Metcon 7 AMRAP 7 snake ups 7 tuck jumps 7 kettlebell swings-7.5 lb db- 15 lb kb 7 goblet squats- 7.5 lb db-15 lb kb

  • Tuesday 5.29.18 & Wednesday 5.30.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Coach choice- cardio! Skill Pull up Handstand push up chest 2 Bar Lift Push Press wave 3-2-1 x 3 Metcon 8 AMRAP- skill ladder 2 pull up or handstand push up (whichever skill athlete chose to practice) 10 squats 4 pull up or handstand push up 10 sit ups 6 p/u or hspu 10 […]

  • Tuesday 5.29.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: Summer Schedule is Live Metcon AMRAP 30: 20 Box overs 10 DB Cleans :20 plank hold- right 10 DB front squats :20 plank hold-left 10 DB push press :20 plank hold -forward 20dubs (40 singles) Intent: Sandwiched between 2 cardio sprints, we are looking for the athletes to move rapidly through the db […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 5.29.18 – 6.6.18

  • Sunday 5.27.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief Mon. 5.28.18 8:30am Endurance, 9:30am CrossFit (no babysitting) Metcon 3 Rounds of AMRAP 10 12 KB SDHP 20 Double Unders (30 Singles) 12 Plank Up-Downs (6ea Arm) 20 Double Unders 12 Hanging Knee Raises 20 Double Unders *After Each Round, Perform A 200m Plate OH Carry (25-45# Plate) – Rest 3min between each […]

  • Saturday 5.26.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief Sat. 5.26.18 Endurance Cancelled Please attend our 24 Hero Workouts in 24 Hours event.

  • Friday 5.25.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief Sat. 5.26.18 Endurance Cancelled Mon. 5.28.18 8:30am Endurance, 9:30am CrossFit (no babysitting) Metcon AMRAP 18 30 Calorie Row 15 Box Jump Overs 20 1-Arm KB Hang Snatch (10L+10R) 10 1-Arm KB Front Squats (5L+5R)- 5min Rest – AMRAP 12 100ft Of Everything Below… 1-Arm KB Farmers Carry Left Arm 1-Arm KB Farmers Carry […]

  • Thursday 5.24.18 & Friday 5.25.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Rowing for Burpees Skill Pull up and Rope Climbs Metcon 10 AMRAP- Partner up!!- split work evenly 200 meter row 20 jumps over the rower (or parallete to prevent injury) 20 DB front squat 20 lateral jumps over rower (parallette to prevent injury)

  • Thursday 5.24.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up team row relay races Conditioning Teams will “farmer carry half a mile” – split between partners- 100 m at a time, 2 kettlebells 15-35 lb in each hand Metcon “Baseline” 500 m row, 40 squat, 30 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 pull ups