Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 5.24.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief Sat. 5.26.18 Endurance Cancelled Mon. 5.28.18 8:30am Endurance, 9:30am CrossFit (no babysitting) Metcon On a running clock 0:00 – 30:00 5 Rounds 400m Run 15 Burpees 15 DBs Deadlifts 15 DBs Hang Power Cleans 15 DBs Thrusters- @30min mark start -5 Rounds 30 Russian Twists (15ea side) 60 Mountain Climbers (30ea side) 30s […]

  • Wednesday 5.23.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief Sat. 5.26.18 Endurance Cancelled Mon. 5.28.18 8:30am Endurance, 9:30am CrossFit (no babysitting) Metcon AMRAP 18 400m Row 80 Double Unders (120 Singles) 40 Air Squats – Rest 2:00 – AMRAP 18 30 Balls Slams 30 Ab Mat Sit-ups 30 Push-ups w/ one hand elevated on 45# plate (15ea arm)Score = Total full rounds […]

  • Tuesday 5.22.18 & Wednesday 5.23.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Tag Conditioning Mile Run Lift Deadlift

  • Tuesday 5.22.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 4 corners dynamic warm up Skill Barbell Clean Barbell Jerk Lift Barbell clean and jerk for practice

  • Tuesday 5.22.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: Challenging full body AMRAP. Strict movements like Dips and Ring Rows typically require a break in Reps Donne prepared with a rep scheme. With only 15 at a time make the Russian Swings a little heavier than usual today, and break the Lunges if needed. Metcon AMRAP 30 15 Box Dips 15 Calorie Assault […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 5.21.18 – 5.28.18

  • Monday 5.21.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: Great grinder to test your capacity! The Row/run should be done at a solid aerobic pace, cut down on those transition times. The Wall Balls/DB Snatch portion will be challenging to keep unbroken, but work to keep those reps to 2 sets at most. The last piece is where you’ll need to check in […]

  • Sunday 5.20.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: These rounds will be fast, athletes should be pushing the pace here. The machines will be the slower/breathing portion and the rest of the workout should be attacked. The different angle of the pike push-ups will be tough, so make sure to break the reps as needed into manageable sets. Metcon AMRAP 15 15 […]

  • Saturday 5.19.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: The Farmers Carry should be light enough that you cruise the course, challenge yourself it’s ok to take a few breaks just keep chipping away at the 200m. The Burpees after the carries will be challenging with the pump in your forearms, use the first few to get your bearings then mentally dig in. […]

  • Friday 5.18.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: The goal for today is to really push through these rounds. The 1:00 break is to help you keep an intense pace through the course of each round. Make sure you earn the break! Try to keep the same splits each round. This is a great workout to push the pace but still focus […]