Category: Uncategorized

  • Thursday 5.17.18 & Friday 5.18.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Coach Choice Skill Barbell Snatch Lift Barbell Snatch Practice Metcon 10 AMRAP 100 meter farmers carry- 15 lb kb 10 wall balls 100 15 lb waiter carry 10 snake ups

  • Thursday 5.17.18 & Monday 5.21.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up coach choice musical med balls Skill rope climbs and pull ups Conditioning 2 rounds 5 wall ball squats 5 wall ball push press 5 hollow rocks 5 supermans 5 kb swings- light weight Metcon 20 AMRAP Partner up 200 m together 20 wall balls 20 knee raises/toes to bar 20 kettlebell swings  

  • Thursday 5.17.18 Endurance WOD

    Intent: Let’s see you push that pace on part “A”. This simple piece will hurt as much as you allow it to, hold that 90% range throughout. Part “B” will be less an intense, but still hard in its own right. Choose DBs that’ll let you get all 20 Curls unbroken. Metcon AMRAP 18 400m […]

  • Wednesday 5.16.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Wellness Week 5.17 Intent: Challenging workout today for part “A”. This one will test your breathing and ability to push through some discomfort. Use the bike/row to catch your breath a little bit and try to hold steady on the rest of the movements. Metcon AMRAP 10 9 Burpees 12 Box Jumps […]

  • CrossFit Main Line Newsletter – May 2018

  • Tuesday 5.15.18 & Wednesday 5.16.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Box Brief: • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Warm-up Coach lead run- 800 meters Skill Clean and Jerk Lift 2×2 clean and jerk 7×1 clean and jerk  

  • Tuesday 5.15.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Med Ball Relays Skill Wall Balls Conditioning Rope Climb practice Metcon 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Dumbbell snatch- no more than 15 lb db- use 5/10lb plates if necessary Pull ups/kips Sit ups

  • Tuesday 5.15.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Intent: The first AMRAP will be an upper body push/Pull pump, focus on quality of movement here and challenge yourself with DB weight. The second AMRAP will be Leg heavy and will be a little more challenging metabolically, shoot for the 15-35# DBs. […]

  • Monday 5.14.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Intent: Heavy breathing on the part “A” today. All these movements can spike the heart rate easily, but the reps should be pushed for unbroken. Remember to breathe each and every rep to control the heart rate better. Midline work, push for the […]

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 5.14.18 – 5.20.18