Category: Uncategorized

  • Sunday 5.13.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Mothers Day Mash Up “Annie + Helen” (deconstructed) 3 Rounds 8min AMRAP 25 Dubs (50 singles) 25 Sit Ups 200m Run 15 KB Swings 9 Pull Ups (Ring Rows) – 2min Rest – Pick a weight […]

  • Saturday 5.12.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Metcon AMRAP 25 30sec. Plank 20 V-Ups 15 Calorie Assault Bike 30 Lateral Hops Over DB (15/Side) 20 DB Renegade Rows (10/Arm) 40 DB Russian Twists (20/Side) – Rest 5min – Competition: B1.) Max Wall Sit […]

  • Friday 5.11.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 • Wellness Week 5.17 Metcon AMRAP 10 500m Row 25 Russian KB Swings 400m Run 30 Wall Balls – 2min Rest – AMRAP 8 500m Row 25 Russian KB Swings 400m Run 30 Wall Balls – 2min Rest – AMRAP […]

  • Thursday 5.10.18 & Friday 5.11.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up Musical med ball Skill Ring dips Conditioning 2 AMRAP- burpee to a squat to jumping lunges Rest 1 minute 2 AMRAP- burpee to a box jump (keep it low 12 inches) to a squat Rest 1 minute Repeat each Amrap again Metcon Pull up Practice

  • Thursday 5.10.18 & Monday 5.14.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up 5 kipping swings-10 lunges 5 push ups- 10 squats 5 broad jumps- 10 lunges 5 stink bugs- 10 squats Skill Toes 2 Bar Lift Snatch work- FOR QUALITY 4×4 Metcon 10 AMRAP 10 KB deadlifts (heavy)-10 v-ups-10 snake ups

  • Thursday 5.10.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times • Ardmore Endurance Challenge Starts 5.15 Metcon AMRAP 20 20 Plate OH Walking Lunges (10 ea.Leg) 20 Push-Ups 2min Assault Bike 20 Ring Rows – Rest 2:00 – AMRAP 15 1:30 Assault Bike 2min Row 21 Ab Mat Sit-ups Score = total cals on rower Intent: […]

  • Wednesday 5.9.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times! Metcon 7 Rounds 300m Row 10 KB Swings 10 KB Thrusters (5ea arm) – 2min Rest – 4 Rounds 50 Mountain Climbers (L+R=2) 25 Ball Slams 75 Double Unders (100 Singles) 45min total time cap Intent: The first workout will challenge your ability to control and […]

  • Tuesday 5.8.18 & Wednesday 5.9.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Stretch- scapula-shoulders (consider hanging from rig and having partner gently push on lower back to open chest up)-hamstrings Coach choice- make it fun! Skill OH SQUAT Lift OH SQUAT 6×4 Metcon 12 minute ascending ladder 2 DB snatch, 2 DB thruster, 100 m row 4 DB snatch, 4 DB thruster, 100 m row 6-8-10-12

  • Tuesday 5.8.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 4 rounds 2 forward rolls, 4 broad jumps, 6 burpees, 8 kipping swings, 10 squats Skill Deadlift review Conditioning Team tire flips for distance Lift deadlift ladder- review Deadlift Tire flip Metcon 6 AMRAP 5 pvc/15 lb barbell cleans 5 KB deadlifts 5 box jumps

  • Tuesday 5.8.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times! Metcon 12 Rounds 200m Run 10 Alt. DB Snatch 5 Burpees Over DB – 3min Rest – 3 Sets 100m Double KB Front Rack Carry 50 Flutter Kicks (25/Leg) 25 Hollow Rocks 45min total time cap Intent: Push the pace! This workout will be a fun […]