Category: Uncategorized

  • Weekly Programming Breakdown 5.7.18 – 5.13.18

  • Monday 5.7.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times! Metcon 2 Rounds AMRAP 8 200m Row 15 KB SDLHP 10 Box Jumps *Rest 2:00 AMRAP 8 1min Assault Bike 15 DB Push Press 20 DB Front Squats Score = total cals on Assault Bike Intent: 4 shorter AMRAPs today, our goal is to simply keep […]

  • Sunday 5.6.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times! Metcon AMRAP 16: 16 DB Hang Clean + Jerk (8L+8R) 16 DB Suitecase Walking Lunges (8L+8R) 16 Ab Mat Sit-ups – Rest 2:00 – 4 Rounds 400m Run 20 Burpees **20min cap on 2nd part (4 Rounds)Score = Total time Intent: A midline challenging AMRAP to […]

  • Thursday 5.3.18 & Monday 5.7.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Coach choice- make it a fun game- lots of skill work and conditioning, consider having it athlete led Skill Pull up Practice Conditioning 10 EMOM- 5 burpees and 5 squats Metcon TEAMS OF 2- 15 AMRAP 1 50m sled push- no weight for most- 10 box jumps- 10 pull ups- 10 sit ups

  • Saturday 5.5.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times! Metcon 5 Rounds AMRAP 5 30 Calorie Row 15 KB SDHP 30 Lateral Jumps Over Rower (L+R=2) 15 Calorie Assault Bike *Max Calorie Row In The Remaining Time – Rest 1:00 b/t rds — 3min Rest – 4 Rounds 30s Plank On Low Rings – 10s […]

  • Friday 5.4.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • 1st Friday Happy Hour Tonight, 5:30pm! Metcon For Total Time 3 Rounds 500m Row 25 DBs Front Squats – Directly Into – 3 Rounds 400m Run 20 DB Power Cleans – Directly Into – 3 Rounds 20 Calorie Assault Bike 20 DBs Push PressScore = Total Time Intent: 9 Round workout, the […]

  • Thursday 5.3.18 & Friday 5.4.18 XFit Juniors

    Warm-up 5 amrap 5 push ups 10 sit ups 15 squats 20 jumping jacks Skill rope climbs Conditioning 12 AMRAP Partner up: you go, I go style 1 rope climb/3 good pulls on rope/hang on rope for 15 seconds 200 meter run/20 10 foot shuttle runs – completed 100/1 shuttle run at a time Burpees […]

  • Thursday 5.3.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: 1st Friday Happy Hour tomorrow! View May Programming & Intents Metcon AMRAP 10 2,4,6,8.10,12…. Assault Bike Calories Alternating DB Snatch – Rest 2:00 – AMRAP 10 2,4,6,8.10,12…. Ring Rows Plank Up-Downs Box Dips **25 Dubs after each round (50 Singles)** – Rest 2:00 – AMRAP 10 2,4,6,8.10,12…. Russian Twists Flutter Kicks Supermans Kipping […]

  • Wednesday 5.2.18 Endurance WOD

    Box Brief: • 1st Friday Happy Hour this week • View May Programming & Intents Metcon 3 Rounds 50 Calorie Row 40 Wall Balls 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs – At the 30min Mark – 3 Rounds 20s L-Sit 30s Hollow Hold 40s Side Plank (20s L + 20s R)Score = Total time Intent: This […]

  • Tuesday 5.1.18 & Wednesday 5.2.18 XFit Teens & Preteens

    Warm-up Quick stretch- focus on hamstrings and calves 100 m x 5 times, rest :30 seconds in between. Start slow and increase speed each round. Coach will time each round Skill Snatch Introduce and review Lift Snatch 2×2 Snatch 7×1 Metcon 8 AMRAP 5  snatches, 5 burpees