Sunday 4/30/23
Workout FOR TIME 35-25-15-25-35 KB Sumo DL High Pull Weighted Sit-Up*
Saturday 4/29/23
Workout Manion7 Rounds For Time400 meter Run29 Back Squats
Friday 4/28/23
Strength Shoulder Press Workout FOR TIME 400m Run Immediately Into… 5 ROUNDS 15 Box Jumps 10 Push Press Immediately Into… 400m Run
Thursday 4/27/23
Strength Deadlift Workout EMOM x 15 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 – Max Cal Bike MIN 3 – 7 ‘Library’ Deadlifts
Wednesday 4/26/23
Skill Handstand Push Ups Workout 2 SETS AMRAP x 7 MINUTES* 2-3-4-and so on… Strict Handstand Push-Ups 4-6-8 and so on… Alt. DB Hang Power Snatch
Tuesday 4/25/23
Strength Back Squat Workout 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 45/35 Cal Row 20 Toes to Bar 15 Back Squats
Monday 4/24/23
Strength Pulling Strength Workout AMRAP x 2 MINUTES Max Burpees Over Bar -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 3 MINUTES Max Power Clean -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 5 MINUTES 3 Power Clean 5 Burpees Over Bar
Sunday 4/23/23
Workout “Butts & Guts” EMOM x 18 MINUTES MIN 1 – 10/8 Cal Row+ Max KB Russian Swing MIN 2 – 10 Box Jumps + Max Sit-Ups MIN 3 – :30s Plank Hold or Active Hang from Rig (you can alternate) (Score is Total Reps KBS + Sit-Ups)
Saturday 4/22/23
Workout Partner Workout In Teams Of 2 Athletes… Saturday Cardio Party! AMRAP x 24 MINUTES Partner 1 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats Partner 2 10 Alt Db Snatches (50/35) + 8/6 Cal Bike *P1 completes a full round of Cindy While P2 completes the DBSand Bike.Once a full round is completed partners switch.
Friday 4/21/23
Workout “AVA”AMRAP x 20:53 MINUTES400m Run21 Ground to Overhead (95/65) (Score is Rounds + Reps)