Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 4.4.18 CrossFit

    Metcon AMRAP 30: Row 500 Meters Run 400 Meters 18 Alt. DB Snatch (50,35) 12 DB Thrusters (50,35) L3: (40, 25) L2: (30, 20) L1: (25, 15) *Alternate Rx cardio Row a total of 800m 400m Run = 90s Bike or Ski Erg Intent: Today is about pacing and breathing. Your effort should NOT exceed […]

  • Tuesday 4.3.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1a) JM Barbell Presses 4×10 1b) 1-Arm KB Row w. a pause (2 count): 4x10ea. Rest 45s. *Use one weight for all sets. *Complete 1 set ever 2min, Coach Call Intent:  Repetition work today for the upper-body. All sets should be challenging, but execution should be perfect. Superset both movements until you’ve done 4 […]

  • Monday 4.2.18 CrossFit

    Strength “Banded Deadlift”  1×1 Coach Call: 5,4,3,2,2,1..Beginner: No Band, 5 x 5 Intent: Today we are using accommodating resistance for a Conventional Deadlift max. AR forces us to be aggressive through full ROM. Be aggressive and shoot for 80% of your conventional 1RM deadlift. Metcon Prep 2) Squat Cleans + Burpees: Take 5 Minutes and […]

  • Sunday 4.1.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1a) RDL 4×8. Rest 30s. 1b) DB Single Arm Push Press: 4x6ea 1c) Russian Twists w. a plate: 4×20 *Complete all 3 movements in a “giant set” going from 1a,1b, to 1c until you’ve gone through 4 times. Intent: Work today is done in a giant set fashion where you’ll go through 1a, 1b, […]

  • Saturday 3.31.18 CrossFit

    Metcon “Girls Gone Wild” Teams of 2 1 Mile Run, Then “Karen” 150 Wallballs (20,14) “Isabel” 30 Power Snatches (135,95) “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) Then, 1 Mile Run Rx: (115,75) L2: (14,10) (95,65) L1: (10,8) (DB Snatch from Floor) (DB Push Press for Clean and Jerk) Alternate Scaling Options: 1 Mile Run = […]

  • Friday 3.30.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1) Bench Press 9×3 @ 50%, every 60s. – Change Grip every 3 sets ie. close, medium, and wide grip. 2) Banded Alphabet: 2 Sets on each side. Rest 60s. – Small letters with these + squeeze abs hard! Metcon AMRAP 18 400m Row Overhead KB Carry x 100 Ft. (55s,35s) 10 Hang Power […]

  • Thursday 3.29.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1a: Front Squat 4×4 @70% 1b: Sumo Deadlift 4×3 @70% Complete 1A + 1B every 2min Reset on each rep. Coach Call Warm Up 3 sets building to 70% Intent: Speed Front Squats/Sumo Deadlifts today. Both should only take about 3 sets of warm-up. We will go right from Front Squats to Sumo Deadlifts […]

  • Wednesday 3.28.18 CrossFit

    Metcon PENALTY AMRAP 20 500 Meter Row 200m Farmer Carry (70,55) 90s Bike 100m Stone/Bag Carry 20 Goblet Squats (70,55) *Every drop on either carry = 10 Russian KB Swings Intent: The goal of today is to complete 100% of the farmers carry unbroken. This workout will feel more like a grind as you back […]

  • Tuesday 3.27.18 CrossFit

    Strength Split Jerk – 1RM Coach Call EMOM 2: 4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1.. – Try to beat your current max by 5# – From the rack – Beginner: 10 x 3 focusing on technique Intent: Take 8-10 sets to build to a new max, but have a plan in mind. Don’t be afraid to drop weight from overhead […]

  • Monday 3.26.18 CrossFit

    Strength Back Squat 1×2 Intent: Build to a new 2RM in the Back Squat. The goal is to hit your current 1RM for 2 today. Take 6-8 sets and progressively build in weight increasing your rest interval as the weight gets heavier. Metcon Prep 2 Sets at fast pace: 5 Deadlifts 4 Hang Power Cleans […]