Category: WOD

  • Sunday 3.25.18 CrossFit

    Metcon CrossFit Open “18.5” OR In teams of 2 for time: Run 1 mile or Row 2k – Then – 100 DB Snatches + OH Lunges L+R Then, Run 1 mile or Row 2k Rx+: (55,35) Rx: (45,25) L2: (35,20) L1: (25,15) *1 works 1 rest. Including run/row Intent: Today’s piece is intended to be […]

  • Saturday 3.24.18 CrossFit

    Metcon “Field Day” 1) Max Distance Broad Jump: 3 Attempts (inches) Broad jump is a test of power-output. NFL RB 10+ ft. 2) Max UB Wallballs (20,14)(reps) Test of mental capacity/endurance. 3) Max Calories on the Rower in 8:00 (cals) 4) Max Push-ups in 60s. (reps) Upper Body Endurance Test 5) Max Sit-ups in 60s. […]

  • Friday 3.23.18 CrossFit

    Join us for one BIG FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS to celebrate and BLOW IT OUT for 18.5. We’ll have a DJ, pizza, beer and lots of fun. Even heats for your team! Sign up for a heat time Ardmore – Click Here Wayne – Click Here Metcon Prep 3 Rounds at Game Speed 4 Thrusters 4 C2B […]

  • Thursday 3.22.18 CrossFit

    **Winter Storm Toby Schedule Update** 3.22.18: Normal schedule resumes at 12pm Metcon AMRAP 11 1 Rope Climb 15′ 3 Power Snatches (95,65) 10 Burpees – Rest 2min – AMRAP 11 10 Pull Ups 8 Hang Power Snatches (95,65) 10 Burpees – Rest 2min – AMRAP 11 10 Bar Hops 8 SDHP  (95,65) 10 Burpees Rx: […]

  • Wednesday 3.21.18 CrossFit

    Winter Storm Toby: Wednesday 3.21.18 Classes ON starting at 9:30am. Babysitting Available. (pending weather we are open the remainder of the day) Strength Push Press 4×5 Work up to 80% for a set of 5 Coach Call 3×4, building to 50% Intent: Work up to a moderate set of 5 with perfect form. This should […]

  • Tuesday 3.20.18 CrossFit

    [CrossFit] Weather Update Tues 3.20 Programs starting 5:30p canceled 4:30p WOD is ON, NO babysitting Skills clinics rescheduled for 3.27 Wed 3.21-stay tuned Warm-up Run or Row 400 Meters – Then – 8 Russian Swings 30 Single Unders 8 American Swings 30 Dubs or Attempts 8 Goblet Squats 30 Dubs or Attempts Metcon 5 Rounds […]

  • Monday 3.19.18 CrossFit

    FREE Pull Up/Muscle Clinic Wayne: 3.20  &  Ardmore 3.21 Strength Barbell Glute Bridge: 4×8, up to a heavy set. Squeeze glutes for a 1-2 count a top Intent: The intent today is to work up to a moderate load for a set.  You should feel your glutes working on each rep. Make sure you don’t […]

  • Saturday 3.17.18 CrossFit

    FREE Pull Up/Muscle Clinic  Wayne: 3.20  &  Ardmore 3.21 Metcon 100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders 50-40-30-20-10 Wallballs (20, 14) 25-20-15-10-5 Burpee Box Jump w. a step down (24, 20) 5-4-3-2-1 Legless Rope Climbs Rx: (Rope Climb w. legs) L2: (Single Unders) (1 Rope Climb each round 5 Strict Chin-ups per rope climb) L1: (1/2 Single Unders) (20 […]

  • [CrossFit] Your March Newsletter

  • Friday 3.16.18 CrossFit

    FREE Pull Up/Muscle Clinic   Wayne: 3.20  &  Ardmore 3.21 Metcon Open WOD “18.4” “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225, 155) HSPU Then, 21-15-9 Deadlifts (315, 205) 50 Ft. Handstand Walk after each set Intent: Open WOD 18.4. Be smart with your deadlifts and break your sets before you have to. Also, make sure you’re using your legs […]