Category: WOD

  • Thursday 2.15.18 CrossFit

    Strength 1) Max Distance Farmer Carry in 5:00 -Rest 2:00- 2) Max Distance Front Rack Carry in 5:00 Intent: Work on carrying for as long as possible without dropping. Note your weight and total distance after the 5 minutes is complete in the comments of metcon. Metcon 3 Rounds In 5:00 Window: Row 500 Meters […]

  • Wednesday 2.14.18 CrossFit

    Strength Floor Press (Every 2min 5,5,4,3,2,1..) 1b) Banded Pulldowns: 4×10 Intent:  Floor Press is a great variation to build your lockout that transfers to many other movements we perform in CrossFit. It’s likely your Floor Press will be less than your bench press as you can’t use your feet. Floor press can be taken from […]

  • Tuesday 2.13.18 CrossFit

    Skill Choose one Open movement 5min EMOM, 30s work, 30s rest – Pull-up variation (or C2B) (There is C2B in tomorrows Metcon) – Handstand Push-ups – T2B Intent: Today (and next week) we are specifically focusing on Open WOD gymnastics Skill. This session should be 100% skill development and not tear you up. Metcon 100 […]

  • Monday 2.12.18 CrossFit

    Strength Back Squat (Work up to 90%, then 4min EMOM 1 rep @90%) Build to 90% 6 x Every 90s, building each set 4,4,3,3,2,1 1RM Back Squat 1/1/18 – Beginner: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits. Intent: The goal today is to build to 90% of your current max (or a heavy 1). […]

  • Sunday 2.11.18 CrossFit

  • Saturday 2.10.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up Teams of 2 1 Round, follow the leader style 250m Row 10 Russian KBS 10 Push-ups 7 KBS 7 Push-ups 5 KBS 5 Goblet Squats Metcon Teams of 2 45min AMRAP Row 5k or Run 5k Then remaining time Max Rounds + Reps of: 30 KBS (70,55) 30 T2B 30 HSPU Rx: (55,35) L2: […]

  • Friday 2.9.18 CrossFit

    Strength Front Box Squat (9×3 @ 63%, every 60s.) Intent: Week 2 Front Box Squats. Only 3% heavier so you can maintain proper bar speed. Remember, we’d rather you move faster than go heavier. Speed > load. Metcon “Karen” For Time: 150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# Rx+:(Shoot for UB as long as possible) L2: […]

  • Thursday 2.8.18 CrossFit

    Gymnastics 15min EMOM T2B + Static Hold 3-5 T2B + 15s Static Hold Static Hold choices: Handstand Hold or OH KB Hold *Accumulate T2B Volume During your Skill Sets Adv: 50+ Reps Int: 30+ Reps Beg: 20+ Reps Intent:  If you were here last Thursday work on refining your skills with the T2B. In addition, […]

  • Wednesday 2.7.18 CrossFit

    Strength Partner Up and share equipment 1a) Barbell Rows: 4×6 1b) Rollback Tricep Extensions: 4x10Intent: The intent today is perform upper back/tricep work in superset fashion. Focus on quality over quantity Metcon 18min AMRAP 30/25 Calorie Bike/Row/400m Run 20 Air Squats 16 Alt. DB Hang Power Snatch (55,35) 10 Box Jumps Overs (30,24) Rx: (35,25) […]

  • Tuesday 2.6.18 CrossFit

    Warm-up Row 500 Meters 20 Walking Lunges 20 Hollow Rocks Accumulate 60s HS Hold or HS Walk Metcon For time with a partner 100-80-60-40-20 Calorie Row Walking Lunges Hollow Rocks *Complete 60s HS Hold or 50 Ft. Handstand Walk after each completed round. *One person works, on rest. Split work evenly *Alternate Option Rowing = […]