Category: WOD

  • Monday 2.5.18 CrossFit

    Mobility With a PVC + Band 2 Rounds 10 X-Band Walks Right/Left 10 Banded Goodmornings (squeeze glutes at top) Strength 1) Power Clean: 1×1 1RM, Every 90s 3,3,2,2,1.1.1 Intent: Try to beat your previous max today by 5#’s (if you have one). Take your time and progressively build to a new 1RM. Metcon “Uncle Buck” […]

  • Sunday 2.4.18 CrossFit

    Strength 6 Rounds 1a) Sledpush: 6 x 20s – Add weight each set 1b) 30s Max Effort Bike or Row Intent:  Sledpushes are intended to be moderately heavy today and short distance. Metcon Partner Up and Follow the Leader 18min AMRAP 5 Bench Press (BW) 5 Goblet Squat (70,55) *1 Rope Climb after each set […]

  • Saturday 2.3.18 CrossFit

    Metcon In teams of 3 AMRAP on a running clock 0:00 – 20:00 30 Wallballs (20,14) 30 Power Snatch (95,65) 30 Burpee Bar Hops 20:00 – 30:00 Max Distance Farmer Carry (70,55) Score = Rounds + Reps, comment farmers carry distance *One person works at a time. Split as needed. Rx: (75,55) L2: (1410)(65,35) L1: […]

  • Friday 2.2.18 CrossFit

    Strength Front Box Squat (9 x 3 @ 60%, every 60s) Intent:  Week 1 of Front Box Squats. These should not be terribly heavy and sets should be perfect in terms of technique. Make sure you keep your core tight/engaged. We will perform these for the next two weeks. Metcon Prep 5min EMOM 2x Squat […]

  • Friday 2.2.18 Bootcamp

    Warm-up Triple up- TABATA style- 2 min at each movement Bike Row Burpee Metcon 7 Rounds 8 Cal Bike 10 Back Squats, from rack 10 Deadlifts -Rest 1 min- 7 Rounds 10 Burpees 10 DB Push Press 10 DB Bent Over Row

  • Thursday 2.1.18 CrossFit

    Gymnastics 15min EMOM T2B + Static Hold 3-5 T2B + 15s Static Hold Static Hold choices: Handstand Hold or OH KB Hold Intent:  Today is a good day to practice T2B drills as they’ll most definitely show up in the open. Also, reinforcing good movement patterns to practice in the Metcon is the goal today. […]

  • Wednesday 1.31.18 CrossFit

    Strength Every 3min for 4 Rounds 1a) DB Neutral Grip Bench Press: 4×8, AHAP. 1b) Banded Pulldowns: 4 x 15. (1 count on each rep at bottom) Intent: Superset of DB Bench/Banded Pulldowns. The purpose of this is work tricep group/lats/rhomboids. All sets should be challenging. Metcon Prep Every 2min for 3 Rounds 3 Hang […]

  • Tuesday 1.30.18 CrossFit

    Metcon 50-40-30-20-10 KBS (55,35) Walking Lunges (BW) Abmat Sit-ups Double Unders Rest 60s after each completed round. L2: (35,25) (60s DU Attempts) L1: (Reps of 40-30-20-10) (35,25 Russian Swings) (1:1 SU) Intent:  Today’s metcon is intended to be slow and consistent, around 60-70% of max effort. Don’t worry about your time, worry about quality over […]

  • Monday 1.29.18 CrossFit

    Skill “Overhead Squat” (1×3  3RM, Every 2min 4,4,3,3,2,2.) Beginner: 5×5 adding weight if form permits Intent: Overhead Squat 3RM. Build to a challenging set of 3 or 3RM in 6-7 sets. If you’re not comfortable increasing load work on perfecting your technique Metcon Prep Warm-up Deadlifts and Wallballs Metcon “Dead Ball V2” 10min AMRAP 10 […]

  • Sunday 1.28.18 CrossFit

    Strength Hang Power Snatch 4 x 4 Intent: Focus on cycling touch n go hang power snatches with a moderate load. Gymnastics Every 2min for 5 Rounds; (60s Work, 60s Rest) Options: T2B Butterfly Pull-ups (C2B or regular) HSPUIntent: Gymnastics Skill work should be done in small sets with the intent on reinforcing proper mechanics. […]