Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 12.19.17 CrossFit

    Metcon 25min AMRAP Row 500 Meters 40 Double Unders 20 Walking Lunges (BW) 10 Hollow Rocks L2: (60s of Double Under Attempts) L1: (50 Single Unders) Intent: Today’s workout is intended to be slow/methodically. None of the movements are particularly taxing, but maintaining rowing splits will the most difficult part of today. Choose a pace […]

  • Monday 12.18.17 CrossFit

    Strength Zercher Box Squat: 1×2 2RM, 5,5,3,3,2,2.. Every 2minIntent: We know the zercher squat is uncomfortable but incredibly valuable for improving anterior core function, upperback/quads, and mental toughness. Metcon Prep Every 2min for 4 sets 3-4 Overhead Squats Work up to desired weight for metcon Metcon “Tunnel Vision” 4 Rounds 21 Wallballs (20,14) 15 Lateral […]

  • Sunday 12.17.17 CrossFit

    Strength “Strongman” 20min AMRAP Heavy Sledpush 100m Heavy Farmer or Suitecase Carry w/ barbell 100m Stone to Shoulder or Overshoulder Bottoms Up KB Carry 50m Tire Flips x10 *Done as AMRAP 20 with stations. Athletes can choose how much work to perform of each Score each successful movement, comment weights Intent: Today the intent is […]

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    Subtle but Strong! Check our newest leggings, tees, tanks and hoodies at the Box or shop online. 

  • Saturday 12.16.17 CrossFit

    Metcon “12 Days of Christmas” 1 HSPU 2 OHS (95,65) 3 Snatch (95,65) 4 Snatch Grip Dead Lifts (95,65) 5 Box Jumps (24,20) 6 K2E 7 Burpees 8 Kettlebell Swings (55,35) 9 Ring Dips 10 Walking Lunges (L+R=1) 11 Sit Ups 12 oz Beer or Ball Slams Complete the workout, like the song. Round one […]

  • Friday 12.15.17 CrossFit

    Strength Box Squat 8×3 Intent: Week 2 of Box Squats. All sets should be capable of being done with perfect form + explosiveness. Metcon Prep 2 Rounds of: 5 DB Power Cleans 5 DB Thrusters 5 Burpees Rest 90s. These are done at game speed. Metcon In a 4min Window: 20 DB Power Cleans (55,35) […]

  • Thursday 12.14.17 CrossFit

    Metcon 10 Rounds Single Arm Farmer Carry x 50 feet each (70,55) 30s Hard Effort Row, Bike Ski Erg, or 50 meter Shuttle Sprint (Athletes choice) Rest 60s. *Score = what you ate for breakfast today. Don’t lie =) Intent:  Your 30s of work should be around 85% max HR. Determine what this will be […]

  • Wednesday 12.13.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1a: Hang Power Snatch 6×3 1b: 10 Slow Banded Pull-apart at eye level Intent: Week 1 of Speed Work with the Hang Power Snatch. All sets we are looking for refining technique. Use a moderate load or 70% of Snatch. These are working sets at % listed, do not build across. Metcon “Up the […]

  • Tuesday 12.12.17 CrossFit

    Skill 10 Minutes of: Pose Running Drills + Practice Metcon 4 Rounds of: Run 400 Meters Rest 30s Run 200 Meters Rest 2:00 Score = total time, including rest Intent: On paper this workout probably doesn’t look too bad, but the challenge is finding your pace. With the allotted rest you should be able to […]

  • Monday 12.11.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1: Glute Bridge 3×8 2: Warm-up Heavy KBS + Goblet Squats: 3×5 of each Intent: The BB Glute bridge is a new movement today, but the intent is to directly target the glute max. Metcon “Pavement” 4 Rounds 15 KBS (70, 55) 30 Double Unders 15 Goblet Squats (70, 53) 30 Double Unders RX: […]