Category: WOD

  • Sunday 12.10.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1: Overhead Squat 3x1x1 Tempo 2: 1-Arm DB Row w. rotation: 3 x 10ea Every 60s Beginner: Goblet Box Squat wide stance: 5×5 Intent: Keep sets light with OHS and focus on perfect technique/postion Metcon 10 Rounds 50m Heavy Sledpush 50m Heavy Farmer or BB Suitecase Carry *Athletes choice of weight. *Add weight to […]

  • Saturday 12.9.17 CrossFit

    Metcon “Girls Gone Wild” Teams of 2 1 Mile Run, Then “Karen” 150 Wallballs (20,14) “Isabel” 30 Power Snatches (135,95) “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) Then, 1 Mile Run Rx: (115,75) L2: (14,10) (95,65) L1: (10,8) (DB Snatch from Floor) (DB Push Press for Clean and Jerk) Alternate Scaling Options: 1 Mile Run = […]

  • Friday 12.8.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1a: Box Squat 8×3 1b: Deadlift 8×1 Beginner: Focus on technique, not speed for deadlifts complete 3 sets x 5 reps per set Intent:  Take 3-4 sets and build to work weight for box squat. Complete 1a + 1b every 90sec Metcon “Chuck Taylors” 8min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (225,155) 10 Burpees Rx: (185,125) L2: […]

  • Thursday 12.7.17 CrossFit

    Strength “Strongman” 20min AMRAP Heavy Sledpush 100m Heavy Farmer or Suitecase Carry w/ barbell 100m Stone to Shoulder or Overshoulder Bottoms Up KB Carry 50m Tire Flips x10 *Done as AMRAP 20 with stations. Athletes can choose how much work to perform of each *Score each successful movement, comment weights Intent: Today the intent is […]

  • Wednesday 12.6.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1a: “Floor Press” 9×3 1b: Banded Pull-apart: In between sets perform 10-15. Slow and Controlled Banded Pull-Aparts Intent:  Work at 65% but still maintain bar-speed on each set. Make sure elbows stay tucked in. The intent here is lockout strength trained for dynamic effort (speed). Metcon 5 x 4min 10 C2B 15 Front Squats […]

  • Tuesday 12.5.17 CrossFit

    “Beastmode” 20min EMOM ODD Minutes: 12 Calorie Row EVEN Minutes: 12 Burpees Rx:(1o Calories)(10 Burpees) L2: (8 Calories) (8 Burpees) L1: (30s Max Calories) (30s of Max Burpees) Score = Successful Rounds Intent: Today’s conditioning is about challenging yourself mentally as with most EMOM progressively gets worse each set forcing you to dig deep. Your […]

  • Monday 12.4.17 CrossFit

    Strength “Paused Front Squat” 1RM Intent: Today we are working on a new benchmark. The purpose of a multiple-pause squat is to solidify positions (below parallel/above parallel). Progressively add weight working to your heaviest single for the day. Metcon Prep Power Cleans 4×4 TNG Every 90s, work to metcon weight Metcon “The Chief ” Max […]

  • Sunday 12.3.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1: 1 1/4 Front Squat 5×3 2: Hang Power Clean 5×1 Intent: 1 1/4 Front squat is a benchmark piece. Work up to a heavy set of 3 in 5-6 sets. Metcon 4 Rounds 10 Hang Power Cleans (115,75) 20 Calorie Row or 15 Cal Bike 30 Walking Lunges 200 Meter Run Rest 90s. […]

  • Saturday 12.2.17 CrossFit

    Metcon 33min AMRAP Team of 2 1k Row 100 Double Unders 50 Power Snatch (75,55) L2: (65,35) (60s Double Under Attempts) L1: (Goblet Squats in place of Snatches 55,35) (Single Unders) Intent: Todays workout is all about finding a consistent row pace/sharing work volume strategy. The snatches are intended to be light so make sure […]

  • Friday 12.1.17 CrossFit

    Strength 1. Back Squat 5×3 2. Squat Clean 5×2  Final week of speed back squats. We only had 2 weeks with speed back squats because of the holiday last week, but these will pop again in the future. *Beginner: Focus on technique or practice perfect hip-hinging with clean-grip deadlifts x 5 reps per set. Metcon […]