Category: WOD

  • Thursday 11.30.17 CrossFit

    Skill Snatch Positional Work 4 Rounds, building each set, Coach led **This is not scored today, practice Metcon 5 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats (55,35) 10 T2B 10 Box Jumps w. step down (24,20) 10 Wallballs (20,14) L2: (45, 25) (Knee lifts) (14, 10) L1: (35, 25) (Knee Lifts) (Alt. Step-ups) (10, 8) Intent: Todays workout […]

  • Wednesday 11.29.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here ROWVEMBER WOD #4 Damper Comparison for Max Calories 5 x 1min Sprints for max cals moving damper down each interval. Interval #1 = damper of 10, #2 = 8 and so on. “CP” 30 Curtis P’s (135,95) *1 Power […]

  • Tuesday 11.28.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Metcon 30min EMOM Min 1: 10 Burpees Min 2: 45s Row for meters Min 3: 45s Bike for calories Min 4: 45s Handstand Walk or 20s Handstand Hold Min 5: 45s Max Double Unders L1: (8 Burpees per round) […]

  • Monday 11.27.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Strength 1) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (every 2min, 4×2+2, building) Intent: The focus today is completing all work with perfect technique. Athletes should not underestimate the value in these days, despite their ‘sexiness”. 2a) Sumo RDL In 90s 4 […]

  • Sunday 11.26.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Metcon 15min AMRAP 12 Power Cleans (115,75) 12 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (L+R=1) (115,75) 20 Lateral Bar Hops 30 Double Unders L3: (95, 5) L2: (75,55) (30s of Double Under Attempts) L1: (Russian Swings 45,25) (Goblet Reverse Lunges) (10 […]

  • Saturday 11.25.17 CrossFit

    Thanksgiving Holiday Hours Saturday, normal schedule Metcon 30min AMRAP Teams of 2 100 Wallballs (20,14) 80 Abmat Sit-ups 60 Burpees 40 Alt. DB Snatch (55,35) 20 DB Front Squats (55,35) *After each completed round each athlete completes 2 Rope Climbs L2: (14, 10) (35,25) (10 Pull-ups, any style, per Rope Climb) L1: (10, 8) (25,15) […]

  • Friday 11.24.17 CrossFit

    Thanksgiving Holiday Hours Fri. 11.24.17 8:30 & 9:30am, babysitting both times Saturday, normal schedule Strength Power Clean and Jerk (Every 90s, 5×2, build to 20# above metcon weight) Intent: We are simply using this session to warm-up clean and jerks and prepare for the metcon. Loading should be moderate for this workout (slightly heavier than […]

  • Thursday 11.23.17 CrossFit

    Thanksgiving Park WOD 2015

    Thanksgiving Holiday Hours Thurs. 11.23.17 9:00a Radnor Memorial Field WOD Fri. 11.24.17 8:30 & 9:30am, babysitting both times Saturday, normal schedule   “Don’t Drop the Turkey!” In Teams of 2 or 3 Complete: 400m Run –Then– 100 Sit Ups 50 Deadlifts (65,45) 100 Squat Jumps 50 Hang Power Cleans (65,45) 100 Sit ups 50 Front Squats […]

  • Wednesday 11.22.17 CrossFit

    Thanksgiving Holiday Hours Thurs. 11.23.17 9:00a Radnor Memorial Field WOD Fri. 11.24.17 8:30 & 9:30am, babysitting both times Saturday, normal schedule   ROWVEMBER WOD #3 “Max Power Output ‘Peak 5 Test’” 5 x 30s Sprints for max power output using watts on the monitor Metcon 3 Rounds 20 KBS (55,35) 20 Burpees – Rest 5:00 – […]

  • Tuesday 11.21.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Metcon 3 x 8min Rounds Teams of 2 Row 1k – Then – AMRAP 10 Pull-ups 15 Push-ups 20 Air Squats *Rest 60s *Score = total rounds L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) (Box Push-ups) L1: (Ring Rows) (Box Push-ups) Intent: […]