Category: WOD

  • Monday 11.20.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Strength Squat Clean (Clusters 1.1 (10s) Every 90sec 10×2) Adv: Build to 85-90% of 1RM. – Beginners: Work technique for sets of 5 Intent: Spend the entire session focusing on technique adding weight if technique permits. Squats cleans are […]

  • Sunday 11.19.17 CrossFit

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here Strength 3 Rounds of: 1a) DB Neutral Grip Bench Press x 10 1b) 1-Arm DB Rows x 10 ea 1c) Russian Twists w. a plate x 20 Metcon AMRAP 20: Run 400 meters Rest 30s Beginner: Scale to 100-200m […]

  • Saturday 11.18.17 CrossFit

    RowVember WOD #3 Wed. 11.22.17 Attend and win Ca$h prizes Metcon Teams of 2 10min AMRAP 20 KB SDHP (55,35) 20 Wallballs (20,14) 200 Meter Run – 2min Rest – 10min AMRAP 20 T2B 20 Medball Cleans (20,14) 200 Meter Run – 2min Rest – 10min AMRAP 20 Burpees 20 Air Squats 200 Meter Run […]

  • Friday 11.17.17 CrossFit

    RowVember WOD #3 Wed. 11.22.17 Attend and win Ca$h prizes Strength Back Squat (6 x 4 @75% Every 90s complete 4 reps) Intent: Week 1 of Speed Back Squats. All sets should smooth/explosive with no pause in between sets. Warm-up Coach Led 200m Run 6 Bear Complexes empty bar – Add weight – 200m Run […]

  • Thursday 11.16.17 CrossFit

    RowVember workout #3 11.22.17 Register Here Metcon Part #1 Partner Up. You go, I go style 8 Rounds 1. 200m Row 2. 60yd sled power walk, heavy Part #2 Partner Up. 8min Max Distance Front Rack KB Carry. Athlete choice of weight. Intent: Sled power walk will provide the additional benefit of helping facilitate recovery […]

  • Wednesday 11.15.17 WOD

    ROWVEMBER WOD #2 500m Row Max Effort 500m Row *Complete this after the Metcon Prep, Use metcon prep as a CNS primer for the 500m row Metcon Prep Coach Led 4min Tabata Burpee Pull Ups Metcon 4 Rounds, each for time: 18/15 Calorie Row 15 Box Jumps w. step down (24,20) 12 Push Press (135,95) […]

  • Tuesday 11.14.17 CrossFit

    “600” 100 Double Unders 100 Walking Lunges 100 Abmat Sit-ups 100 KBS (55,35) 100 Shoulder Taps 100 Double Unders L2: (Double Under Attempts) (45,35) L1: (50-75 reps per movement) (Single Unders) (35,25 Russian Swings) Intent: On paper this workout does not look too bad, but once you hit the “100 KBS” you don’t want to […]

  • Monday 11.13.17 CrossFit

    Strength Front Box Squat 2RM Beginner: Work up to a challenging set of 5 Intent: For those of you that have a current 1RM Front Box Squat try to match that weight. This will differ by 10-20% from your front squat max because the phases of the lift are broken up. Metcon Prep Power Clean […]

  • Sunday 11.12.17 CrossFit

    RowVember WOD #2 Wednesday 11.15.17 Register Here to win Ca$h prizes Strength 10min EMOM ODDs: x4 Back Squats @ 75% EVENs: 10 Ring Rows Intent: Ring Rows & Back Squats should be for speed with perfect form. Metcon 5 Rounds 40 Yard Sledpush (Moderate Weight) Rest 60s b/t rounds -Then- 5 Rounds 40 Yard Front Rack […]

  • Saturday 11.11.17

    RowVember WOD #2 Wednesday 11.15.17 Register Here to win Ca$h prizes “Field Day” 1) Max Distance Broad Jump: 3 Attempts (inches) Broad jump is a test of power-output. NFL RB 10+ ft. 2) Max UB Wallballs (20,14)(reps) Test of mental capacity/endurance. 3) Max Calories on the Rower in 8:00 (cals) 4) Max Push-ups in 60s. (reps) […]