Category: WOD

  • Friday 11.10.17 WOD

    “Andy” For time, wearing a 20-lb. vest: 25 thrusters, 115 lb. 50 box jumps, 24 in. 75 deadlifts, 115 lb. 1.5-mile run 75 deadlifts, 115 lb. 50 box jumps, 24 in. 25 thrusters, 115 lb. U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Andrew T. Weathers, 30, of DeRidder, Louisiana, died Sept. 30, 2014, at Landstuhl Regional Medical […]

  • Thursday 11.9.17 WOD

    RowVember Week 1 Complete Forgot to sign up? Click Here Skill Accessory WOD 10min EMOM ODDs: 50 Ft Bottoms-up KB Carry EVENs: Skill Goat 1 *Skill Choices: Kipping or pull up, muscle up variation Intent: Nothing should be too taxing here as we are looking for roughly 30-40s of work for each minute. Similar to […]

  • Wednesday 11.8.17 WOD

    RowVember starts today! Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here RowVember WOD #1 Row Max Distance in 2min **Top Female and Male win $50 Ca$h** Metcon “Cindy” 20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats OR “Mary” 20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Handstand Push-ups 10 Pistols (5-L / 5-R) 15 Pull-ups […]

  • Tuesday 11.7.17 WOD

    RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17 Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower! Register Here  Skill 8min EMOM ODDs: 20-30s Kipping. Adv: T2B, Butterfly Pull-up EVENs: 10-20s L-Sit or L-Hold Adv: HS Walking Intent: Skill work similar to last week Thurs. Spend 10:00 learning the kip or refining current technique. Keep sets small to […]

  • Monday 11.6.17 WOD

    RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17 Register Here Weekly CASH prizes and a chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower Strength Clean Grip Deadlift 3RM TNG *Begginner, 5×5 adding if form permits Intent: Working up to a challenging triple for the touch n go deadlift. Use a clean grip/hook grip. The goal is to work up […]

  • Sunday 11.5.17 WOD

    RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17 Register Here Weekly CASH prizes and a chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower Stregnth Power Clean+ Front Squat + Jerk 6×1 every 90s Intent: If comfortable work with ascending loads otherwise focus on improving movement patterns. Metcon 10min AMRAP Teams of 2 5 Burpees 10 S20H (115,75) 15 Air […]

  • Saturday 11.4.17 WOD

    RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17 Register Here Weekly CASH prizes and a chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower Metcon 30min AMRAP Teams of 2 1 Rope Climb 200 Meter Run 10 KBS (70,55) *One athlete completes a full round at a time. Rx+:(Legless Rope Climbs) L3: (55,35) L2: (5 Strict Pull-ups)(45,25) L1: (7 Ring […]

  • Friday 11.3.17 WOD

    RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17 Register Here Weekly CASH prizes and a chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower Strength Front Squat 8×2 @ 80% Intent: Loading should be challenging but explosive, voume is high at 16 reps. Metcon “Green Light” 15-12-9 Squat Clean Thrusters (135,95) Burpee Box Jumps (24,20) Rx+: (155,105) (30,24) L3: (115,75) […]

  • Thursday 11.2.17 WOD

    Register for RowVember Skill 8min EMOM Odd: Goat Skill 1 Even: Goat Strength 1 Skill Choices: Kipping or pull up, muscle up variation Strength Choices: RDL, Barbell Upright Row, Weighted Lunges Intent: Focus on 2 movements/muscle groups that need to be strengthened. Ask Coach for guidance here. Metcon 20min AMRAP Teams of 2 P1 90s […]

  • Thursday 11.1.17 WOD

    RowVember Starts November 8th Weekly $100 cash prizes & chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower Strength 1a: Weighted Pull-ups (4×1.1 (10s)) 1b) Single Arm DB Neutral Grip Push Press 4×5, build across Intent: Cluster work (intra-set rest) where the intent is for you to work up to a challenging set with or without […]