Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 10.31.17 WOD

    Metcon “Monster Mash” Teams of 2 60 Power Cleans (135,95) 600 Meter Run 60 Front Squats (135,95) 600 Meter Run 200 Double Unders 120 Burpees 600 Meter Run 60 T2B 600 Meter Run 60 S20H (135, 95) Rx: (115, 75) L2: (95, 65) (1x Single Unders) (Knee Lifts) L1: (75, 55) (1x Single Unders) (Knee […]

  • Monday 10.30.17 WOD

    Strength Zercher Squat 3RM Beginner: Perform sets of 5 adding weight if form permits. Intent: After you get over the discomfort these become a great variation to develop anterior core and upper back. Use a yoga mat or knee sleeve to help with the discomfort. Metcon “Dead Ball V2” 10min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (225,55) 20 […]

  • Sunday 10.29.17 WOD

    Strength EMOM 9: Minute 1: Sledpush 30s (Heavy) Minute 2: 10 BB Rows (Heavy) Minute 3: L-Sit or Hollow-Hold 20s. Intent: Nothing here should be maximal and there should be plenty of rest to work through this for the entire 9 min Metcon 4 Rounds 20 Calorie Row or Bike or 200m Run 12 Deadlifts […]

  • Saturday 10.28.17 WOD

    Metcon With a partner with one athlete completing a full round a time 10min AMRAP 5 Power Clean (135,95) 10 Air Squats 15 Situps -Rest 2:00- 10min AMRAP 5 Power Cleans (135,95) 5 Burpees 100 Meter Run -Rest 2:00- 10min AMRAP 200 Meter Run Rx:(115,75) L1: (75,55) $ Out 3 Rounds of: 15 Empty Barbell […]

  • Saturday 10.28.2017 RailYard Fitness

    Warm-up Hungry Hippos bear crawl crab walk gorilla jump Broad jump Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 24 AMRAP 20 wall balls 200 meter run 20 med ball cleans 20 burpees 20 med ball sit ups 20 jump rope

  • Friday 10.27.17 WOD

    Strength Front Squat (9×2 @ 75%, every 60s) Intent: Speed Front Squats, shoot for 80% clean 1RM Metcon Prep -Then- ‘Coach Led’ 6min EMOM to warm up for metcon Min 1. x3-5 Squat Clean Thruster Min 2. x3-5 Pull-up Set-up/Warm-up Intent: Prime CNS for the metcon. Efforts should NOT take away from the metcon. All […]

  • Thursday 10.26.17 WOD

    Skill 8min HSPU or Handstand Hold practice Intent: Spend 5min reviewing modifications and standards. Adv. should complete 20-25 HSPU/Strict Metcon Teams of 2 6min AMRAP 10 Box Jumps w. step down (24,20) 10 Wallballs (20,14) -2min Rest- 6min AMRAP 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (75,55)(L+R=2) 10 Power Snatch (75,55) -2min Rest- 6min AMRAP 10 Box […]

  • Wednesday 10.25.17 WOD

    Strength Every 2min for 10min Complete 1a) x5 DB Neutral Grip Bench Press: build up to a heavy set 1b) x6 Barbell Rows: build up to a heavy set. Pause at top for 1 count Intent: Push/Pull work today should be challenging. The goal here is to get in hypertrophy work, but movement mechanics should […]

  • Tuesday 10.24.17 WOD

    Strength 3 Rounds of: 1a) 10x Goblet Box Squat 1b) 20x Banded pull-aparts to chest 1c) 20s Max reps Partner Leg Throws Intent: All reps smooth, shoot for perfect form. This work should not be too taxing and not interfere with your conditioning scores today. Metcon 21min AMRAP 15 KB Swings (55,35) 30 Double Unders […]

  • Monday 10.23.17 WOD

    Strength Sumo Deadlift 2RM Metcon “Fight Club” For total time: 50 Deadlifts (135, 95) 25 Burpees -Rest 2:00- 40 Front Squats (135, 95) 20 Burpees -Rest 2:00- 30 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95) 15 Burpees Rx: (115, 75) L2: (95, 65) L1: (75, 55) $ Out 3 Rounds of: 30 Banded Leg Curls each 25 […]