Category: WOD

  • Saturday 10.14.17 WOD

    Metcon 5 Rounds Teams of 3 33 KBS (55,35) 33 Box Jumps (24,20) 33 Pull-ups 800m Run L2: (45,25) (20, 15) (Band Assisted Pull-ups) L1: (35,25 Russian Swings) (20,14 Step-ups) (Ring Rows) $ Out Abs + Arms 1a) Alt. DB Curls: 3 x 20 1b) Banded Ab Pulldowns: 3 x 25

  • Friday 10.13.17 WOD

    Strength Deadlift (6×3 @ 75%) Every 90sec. 1a ) “Deadlift” 6 x 3 @75% 1b) Seated Box Jumps: 6 x 3 Metcon “Tunnel Vision” 4 Rounds 21 Wallballs (20,14) 15 Lateral Burpees over the Bar 9 OHS (135,95) Rx: (115,75) L2: (95,65) (14,10) L1: (75,55) (10,8) Last completed 5.23.17 $ Out 3:00 of X-Band Walks

  • Thursday 10.12.17 WOD

    Mixed Skill Work 10min EMOM Odds: 4-5 Overhead Squat <60% Evens: 1-3 Ring or Bar Muscle-ups Intent: Keep OHS light and from the ground, focus on positioning. MU use whatever best matches your ability Metcon 4min AMRAP DB Power Clean + Front Squat (55,35) Rest 2:00 4min AMRAP Alternating DB Snatches (55,35) Rest 2:00 4min […]

  • Wednesday 10.11.17 WOD

    Strength 12min EMOM ODD Minutes: 3 “Push Jerk” @75-80% EVEN Minutes: 3-5 T2B Practice Intent: Similar to last week except loads should be heavier. Metcon “Up the Wall” AMRAP 11: 1 Legless Rope Climb, 15′ 10 T2B 15 Power Snatch (95,65) Rx: (75,55) (Rope Climbs) L2: (55,35) (3 Strict BA Chin-ups) L1: (45,25) (8 Ring […]

  • Tuesday 9.10.17 WOD

    Metcon 3 Rounds Teams of 2 Row 1k Run 800 Meters 100 Double Unders 30 Burpees L2: (50 Double Unders) L1: (2x Single Unders) *One person works. Split work in half. P1 completes half of the work, then P2 completes the other half. Intent: Strictly aerobic capacity. Focus on breathing, pacing and managing heart rate […]

  • Monday 10.9.17 WOD

    Strength Power Clean (Every 2min, 5 x 1.1.1, (10s) 80% of last month PR) If no 1RM, work up to on Begginner: All sets moderate weight Intent: Moderatley heavy with 10s b/t reps Metcon 10min AMRAP 25 Power Cleans (95,65) 50 Thrusters (95,65) L3: (75, 55) L2: (65, 35) L1: (45, 25) Compare to 5.22.17 […]

  • Sunday 10.8.17 WOD

    Strength Every 2min complete: 1a: Hang Power Clean (4×4) 1b) Gymnastics Skill Work Metcon “Dylan” 15 Rounds 8 HR Push Ups 10 Power Snatches (75,55) Last Complete 10.8.16 $ Out Pick Extra Credit Work from One Day this Week and Complete

  • Saturday 10.7.17 WOD

    Metcon “EOD 133” –while wearing a 20 lb vest or body armor— 65 Front Squats (135,95) 65 Kettle Bell Swings (70,55) 16 Partner Over Burpees 400 Meter Run 65 Hang Power Cleans (135,95) 65 Sing Arm Kettle Bell Press (55,35) 16 Partner Over Burpees 400 Meter Run 65 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 65 Box […]

  • Friday 10.6.17 WOD

     Skill 1) Deadlift against a band: 10 x 2 @50%, every 60s. 2) Seated Box Jumps: 5 x 4. Rest 60s. WOD “Down Range V2” 3 Rounds of: 5 Power Cleans (155, 105) 10 Front Squats (155, 105) 15 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 2:00 RX: (135, 95) L2: (115, 75) L1: (95, 65) (Burpees) 20:00 […]

  • Thursday 10.5.17 WOD

    Skill 5 Sets of: 1a) 3-5 Squat Snatch @ 60% 1b) 1-3 Rope Climb WOD 5 Rounds of 40 work, 20 rest Double Unders or attempts KB SDHP (55,35) Russian Twists w. a plate (25,10) Mountain Climbers, 2 count KBS (55,35) *For quality, no score $ Out 150 Banded Pull-aparts 100 Banded Pushdowns 75 Hollow […]