Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 12/28/22

    Strength Deadlift Workout On a 3:00 Running Clock400m RunRest w/ Time Remaining On a 5:00 Running Clock600m Run15 DeadliftsRest w/ Time Remaining On a 7:00 Running Clock800m Run20 Deadlifts40 Sit Ups


    Happy Holidays From Our Family to Yours 2022 has been an incredible year for us at CFML, but it’s truly just the beginning of where we want to go. In 2023, we’ll continue to never settle and bring you the best workouts and valuable content to support your fitness and health journey in every way […]

  • Tuesday 12/27/22

    Workout Part One:AMRAP 10 Minutes:2-4-6-8 and so onFront SquatsBurpees Over BarChest to Bar Pull-Ups Part Two:40 Front Squats30 Burpees Over Bar20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

  • Monday 12/26/22

    Strength Push Jerk Workout 6 Sets:32 Double Unders8 Shoulder to Overhead32 Double Unders

  • Sunday 12/25/22

    Workout ‘Reindeer Games’For Time:150/100 Cal Bike75 Pull-Ups50 DB Box Step Overs25 DB Devils Press

  • Saturday 12/24/22

    Workout ‘Son of a Nutcracker’AMRAP 18 MINUTES:100m Suitcase Carry200/150m Row15 Russian KB Swings Row increases 100m after each full round.

  • Friday 12/23/22

    Workout ’12 Days of Xmas’Day 1 – 100m RunDay 2 – Power CleanDay 3 – Burpees to a PlateDay 4 – DB Push PressDay 5 – Toes to BarDay 6 – Hand Release Push UpsDay 7 – Plate Ground to OHDay 8 – Wall BallsDay 9 – DeadliftsDay 10 – Walking LungesDay 11 – DB […]

  • Thursday 12/22/22

    Workout 100-80-60-40-20Double Unders50-40-30-20-10Cal Bike30-25-20-15-10Sit-Ups

  • Wednesday 12/21/22

    Strength Front Squat Workout EMOM 21 Minutes:Min 1 + Min 2 – AMRAP of7 Wall Balls5 Handstand Push-Ups3 Front SquatsMin 3 – Rest

  • Tuesday 12/20/22

    Skill Practice Bar/Ring Muscle Ups Workout 6 Sets: For Time:Muscle Ups (5 Bar Muscle Ups/3 Ring Muscle Ups)15 Box Jump Overs100m Run