Category: WOD

  • Thursday 9.14.17 WOD

    Skill Review 8min EMOM: ODD Minutes: bike, row, running. EVEN Minutes: 30s of Double Under or Triple Under Practice Metcon 5 Rounds of 45s work/15s Rest: 1a) Barbell Rows, Alternate Grips (95, 65) 1b) Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (95, 65) 1c) Russian Twists w. a plate (25, 15) 1d) Farmer Carry (70, 55) (100 […]

  • Wednesday 9.13.17 WOD

    Strength Shoulder Press 1RM Intent: 5# PR in 8-10 total sets Metcon “Lungs” For time: (20min Cap) Run 400 Meters 21 Wallballs (20, 14) 21 Burpees Run 400 Meters 15 Wallballs 15 Burpees Run 400 meters 9 Wallballs 9 Burpees *Compare to 7.5.17 Intent: Set a PR by focusing on efficient running and breathing technique […]

  • Tuesday 9.12.17 WOD

    Metcon 5 Rounds 40 Yard Heavy Sled Push 60s. Rest to Tranition 60s Assault Bike at 80% Max HR -Then- 5 Rounds 20s Chest Facing Wall Handstand Hold 10 T2B *For Quality, No Score Intent: Practice! Complete sets that allow you to maintain efficiency and cycle reps. No Score today. Finisher/Recovery 3 Rounds 1a) Single […]

  • Monday 9.11.17 WOD

    Metcon “9/11 Tribute WOD” Complete in Teams of 2: 2001 meter row 175 KB Swings (55,35) (represents Flight AA 175) 125 Burpees (represents those who died in the Pentagon on 9/11) 110 Thrusters (45,35) (represents the number of floors in each WTC Tower) 110 Overhead Barbell Lunges (45,35) 93 Box Jumps (24,20) (represents Flights 93) […]

  • Sunday 9.10.17 WOD

    Strength Hang Power Clean, build to a heavy Metcon “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds for time of: 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle-ups 10 Hang Power Cleans, 135# / 95# Intent: sub 12min time, this is not a time cap Finisher/Recovery Superset 1a) DB Split Squats: 3 x 8 ea. Rest 60s. 1b) DB Side Bends: 3 […]

  • Saturday 9.8.17 WOD

    Metcon Partner Up! 20min AMRAP 20 Burpees 20 Alt. DB Snatches (55,35) 200m Medball Run (20,14) –Rest 3:00– 5min AMRAP Max Distance Sled Drive (avg. body weight) –Rest 3min– 5min AMRAP Max Distance Farmer Carry (70,55) $ Out Arms + Abs 3 Rounds of: 15 Flutter Kicks 20 Alt. DB Curls 30 Banded Pushdowns WOD […]

  • Friday 9.8.17 WOD

    Strength Squat Snatch 6×4 –2min reset– Front Squat 6×4 Metcon 4 Rounds 9 Deadlifts (Rx 225,155) 12 T2B 15 Box Overs (Rx 24,20) 2min rest b/t rounds *Score = fastest split Rx+:(add 6 Strict HSPU per rd) (275,185) L3: (185,125) L2: (155,105) (Knee Lifts) (20,14) L1: (135, 95) (Knee Lifts) (20,14 Alt. Step-ups) Intent: Unbroken DLs, T2B […]

  • Thursday 9.7.17 WOD

    Skill Work 8min EMOM ODDs: 40s your choice bike, row, running at 70-80% Max HR EVENs: 40s of Dub or TU Practice * Intent: improve upon movements by adjusting to coaching ques. We will repeat every Thursday for 3 weeks Metcon 5 Rounds 15 Wallballs (20,14) 500m Row 1min rest b/t rds L2: (14,10) L1: […]

  • Wednesday 9.6.17 WOD

    Strength Bench Press 1RM Metcon For Time: 1 Seated Legless Rope Climb, 10′ 21 Burpees 21 KBS (53,35) 1 Seated Legless Rope Climb, 10′ 15 Burpees 15 KBS 1 Seated Legless Climb, 10′ 9 Burpees 9 KBS L3: (5 strict pull ups each rd) (45,35) L2: (7 Band Assisted Strict pull ups each rd) (35,25) L1: […]

  • Tuesday 9.5.17 WOD

    Metcon Partner Up! 22min AMRAP 50 Body Weight Lunges (L+R=2) 200 Meter Run 50 Abmat Sit-ups 200 Meter Run 50 Double Unders *One person works. Split reps as needed including run L2: (Double Under Attempts) L1: (Single Unders x 2) Alternate Options: 200m Run = 250m Row, 30s Bike or Ski Erg *Intent: Maximize output […]