Category: WOD

  • Monday 9.4.17 WOD

    Metcon “Fight Gone Bad” Three rounds of: Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20# Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps),  75# Box Jumps, 20″  (Reps) Push-press (Reps), 75# Row (Calories) 1-minute rest Rx: (20,14)(75,55)(20″,20″) L2: (16,10)(55,35)(20″,20″ L1: (14,10)(45,25)(20″,20″ step ups) $ Out Have a great Labor Day! WOD NOTES

  • Sunday 9.3.17 WOD

    The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Mobility 2 Sets of: 10 Glute Hip Thrusts 10 X-Band Walks each direction Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm-up –Then– Coach Led: 2 Rounds of w/ empty barbell 5 Muscle Cleans 5 Front Squats 3 Squat Cleans 3 Push Press 3 Jerks *Add weight after […]

  • Saturday 9.2.17 WOD

    Labor Day Weekend Schedule Monday September 4, 2017 7:30am 8:30am (babysitting available) 9:30am (babysitting available) W.O.D. Happy45th Birthday Scott Richard! Teams of 2: AMRAP 34: Run 100 Meters 9 Alt. DB Snatch from Floor (45, 35) 9 Front Rack DB Walking Lunges (45, 35) 9 Burpees *One athlete complets a full round at a time. […]

  • Friday 9.1.17 WOD

    Strength Box Squat – (8×3) WOD “Oceanside” 4 Rounds (15min Cap) 15 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20) 30 Wallballs (20, 14) 15 C2B Pull-ups RX: (Regular Pull-ups) L2: (20, 15) (14, 10) (Banded Pull-ups) L1: (20, 15) (10, 8) (Ring Rows) $ Out GHD Back Extensions: 3 x 10-15 or Accumulate 3:00 of […]

  • Friday 9.1.17 WOD

    Announcements Labor Day Weekend Schedule Monday September 4, 2017 7:30am 8:30am (babysitting available) 9:30am (babysitting available) The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Warm-up Limber 11 *Choose your favorite aspects of this warm-up and run through this for 15:00. This will include mobility Included in Warm-up Box Squat – Wide […]

  • Protected: Friday 9.1.17 WOD Notes

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  • Thursday 8.31.17 WOD

    Gymnastics 10min EMOM ODDS: 150 Foot Heavy Farmer Carry EVENS: 30s handstand hold or Handstand Walk WOD For time: Row 250m 50 Air Squats 25 Hang Power Cleans (115,75) Row 500m 50 Walking Lunges (L+R=2) 20 S20H (115,75) Row 750m 50 T2B 15 Hang Squat Cleans (115,75) RX: (95, 65) L2: (75, 55) (Knee Raises) […]

  • Wednesday 8.30.17 WOD

    Announcements Labor Day Weekend Schedule Monday September 4, 2017 7:30am 8:30am (babysitting available) 9:30am (babysitting available) The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D. Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm-up -Then- Coach Led Burgener Warm-up w/ PVC *5 reps of each –Then– Coach Led w. barbell 5 Hang Muscle Snatch 5 Snatch Grip […]

  • Tuesday 8.29.17 WOD

    Strength 1RM Clean + Hang Clean WOD “Backhand” 2 Rounds In 5:00 Window Complete Run 400 meters Remaining time: Max Squat Cleans (155,105,135,95) –Rest 3:00 — L2: (115, 75) L1: (95, 65) Score = total squat cleans Alternate Scaling Options – Running: Sub 400m Row, 90s Assault Bike, 90s Ski Erg. – Squat Cleans: 5 […]

  • Monday 8.28.17 WOD

    Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm Up + 2 Sled pushes with a light weight Strength  1A: Sled Push (4 x 50m AHAP) 1B: Goblet Squat (4×8, AHAP, every 2min) *Coach led WOD Happy Birthday Steve Greger (45) and Stephanie Siravo (26)! For Time: 25 Calorie Row 45 KB Swings (55,35) 25 KB Front Rack Lunges (L=R=2) […]