Category: WOD

  • Sunday 8.27.17 WOD

    Mobility Foam Roll 10 passes each – Lats – Quads – IT Bands – Thoracic Spine *Include this in your warm-up Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up Strength 1) Overhead Squat: 5 x 4. Rest 90s-2:00. – Add weight if form permits 2) RDLs: 4 x 6. Rest 2:00 – add weight each set. WOD 4 Rounds: 100 […]

  • Saturday 8.26.17 WOD

    Warm-up Run 800 meters as a group. Prep Perform 1 Round of: 5 Pull-ups (whatever scaling option the athlete is using) 5 T2B or Knee Lifts 5 Burpees 5 Pistols each leg (or scaling option) WOD Teams of 2 (30min Cap) For Time: Run 800 Meters 100 Pull-ups Run 800 Meters 100 Pistols Run 800 […]

  • Friday 8.25.17 WOD

    Warm-up With a partner: 20 Partner Wallballs 10 Burpees each over the medball 20 Walking Lunges w. medball over head 10 Burpees over the medball 20 Partner Wallballs *Work is split but partner wallballs are done together. Prep Take 5:00 and go over scaling for HSPU. After this have people grab bars/racks and start building […]

  • Thursday 8.24.17 WOD

    Mobility Foam Rolling x 10 passes each: – Lats, IT Bands, Quads, Thoracic Spine Warm-up 7 Min Line Warm-up Review Turkish get-ups WOD 5 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats/100 Meter Sprint Rest 2:00 between sets. -Then- 5 Rounds 4 TGU’s, 2 ea side increasing weight each set Rest 1min between sets -Then- 5 Rounds: Choose between […]

  • Wednesday 8.23.17 WOD

    Strength Hang Power Snatch (Coach Led: 5 x 3 @70%. Every 90sec.) – Intermediate: Light for all sets – Beginner: Wide Grip Push Press, 5 x 5 at a moderate weight for all sets. WOD “Pattycake” For time: 21-15-9 KBS (55,35) Burpees Push Press (135,95) Rx: (115, 75) L2: (45, 25) (95, 65) L1: (35, […]

  • Tuesday 8.22.17 WOD

    WOD Every 7:00 x 4 Sets: Row 750 Meters 75 Double Unders 50 Abmat Sit-ups L2: (50 Double Unders) (30 Abmat Sit-ups) L1: (400m-500m Row) (75 Single Unders) (20-30 Abmat Sit-ups) *If rowing is not a viable option sub an 800m run each round. *No Rx+ Option *Score time of fastest round $ Out 3 Sets […]

  • Monday 8.21.17 WOD

    Coach Eve & Coach Merrilee

    Warm-up Dynamic Line -Then- 10 X-Band Walks Each Directions then grab an empty BB: 4 Deadlifts 4 Muscle Cleans 4 Front Squats 20s Pigeon Pose each side *Add weight 4 Deadlifts 4 Power Cleans 4 Box Jumps *Add weight 3 Deadlifts 3 Squat Cleans 3 Box Jumps (higher than last set) Strength Deadlift  Work up […]

  • Sunday 8.20.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility 5 min Keg Stretch (2 min) Form Roller (Lats) 10-15 passes ea Warm-up 5 min Dynamic Warm-up: Coaches Choice WOD R5 CrossFit R5 opened on 8.17.13 13min AMRAP 17 Hang Snatches (45,35) 8 Pull Ups EMOM […]

  • Saturday 8.19.17  

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Warm-up Dynamic Line –Then– 15 Power Cleans 15 Box Jumps *Add weight /height 10 Power Cleans 10 Box Jumps *Add weight/height 5 Power Cleans 5 Box Jumps WOD “Main Line” CFML […]

  • Friday 8.18.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility 21/a5 cal row Banded Hip Opener Distraction Pigeon Pose x 60s each side. Warm-up Circle Warm up Coach led: X-Band Walks x 10 steps laterally each 10 Cossack Squat (L+R=2) […]