Category: WOD

  • Thursday 8.17.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility LAX 2min each glut Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm Up –Then– 10 reps each Coach Led Hollow Rocks Air Squats Walking Lunges Push-ups Sit-ups Scorpions Squat Thrusts WOD Teams of 2 […]

  • Wednesday 8.16.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility 2 Rounds of: 25 Banded Pushdowns 25 Banded Pull-aparts Warm-up No line warm up today Coach led: 2 Rounds 40 Mountain Climbers 100 Single Unders Strength Push Press (1RM in […]

  • Tuesday 8.15.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility 2min each side: Banded Ankle Mobility 1min each spot: Lax ball on bottom of feet, ankles, calves Warm-up 7min Dynamic, start slow and end with heart rate elevated WOD “Run […]

  • Monday 8.14.17 WOD

    Join us this weekend to celebrate with a WOD & Mr Softee! Saturday Ardmore – 5th year anniversary Sunday Wayne – 4th year anniversary Mobility Total time: 5min 10 passes on each LAT, slow and deliberate Warm-up Total time: 15min: • 7:00 Dynamic Line Warm Up • PVC Pass Throughs and Around the Worlds • […]

  • Sunday 8.13.17 WOD

    Warm-up Limber 11 *Limber 11 Includes Mobility WOD 20min AMRAP: 10 Hang Power Cleans (155, 105) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 400 Meter Run RX: (135, 95) (25, 15) L2: (115, 75) (Unweighted) L1: (95, 65) (Unweighted) *500m Row can be subbed for 400m run if needed. Training Intent Hang Power Cleans are intended to be […]

  • Saturday 8.12.17 WOD

    Warm-up Coaches: This is your chance to come up with a fun game that gets athletes moving and having a good time. As you know, I love the Pizza game but there are many other options or you can get creative and come up with your own. This is your chance to ensure your class […]

  • Friday 8.11.17 WOD

    Mobility Glute Activation: X-Band Walks: Accumulate 2:00 – Try not to stop for the entire 2:00 Warm-up Complete: 20 Walking Lunges 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Burpees Then, Grab an empty Barbell: 5 Muscle Clean 5 Press 5 Power Cleans 5 Squat Cleans 5 Push Jerks or Split Jerks Strength Clean and Jerk (1 Squat Clean […]

  • Thursday 8.10.17 WOD

      Mobility Tissue Work, Foam Roll x 10 slow passes each spot: – Lats – IT Bands – Lats (twice) – Thoracic Spine Warm-up Get athletes in a circle with one medball: – Have athletes introduce themselves to one another Then stand in circle and toss the medball. The athlete has to say the person […]

  • Wednesday 8.9.17 WOD

      Mobility Wall Slides: 2 x 10 Warm-up Grab a band and a light KB and complete: 20 Banded Pull-aparts 10 KB Push Press right arm 10 KBS Push Press left arm 20 Banded Pull-aparts 10 KB Rows right arm 10 KB Rows left arm 20 Banded Pull-ups 10 KB Windmills right arm 10 KB […]

  • Tuesday 8.8.17 WOD

      Mobility Achilles/Calve Stretch against Wall x 60s each leg Warm-up Row 500m Then, Group Dynamic Circle Warm-up – Go around in a circle and have athletes choose a bodyweight exercise. Perform 10 reps of each movement. WOD For Time: (25min Cap) 500-400-300-200-100 Rowing for Meters 25-20-15-10-5 Burpees Rest 2:00 after each completed round *If […]