Category: WOD

  • Friday 7.28.17 WOD

    Warm-up “Burpee Breakdown” 8-6-4-2 Squat Thrust Push up Squat Jump Jumping Jack Skill Review With an empty Barbell: 5 Muscle Snatch 5 Back Squats 5 Power Snatch 5 Goodmornings 10 Single Leg Glute Bridge each leg w. 1 ct hold at top. *Add light weight and repeat one more round Strength 1) Box Squat 7 […]

  • Thursday 7.27.17 WOD

    Warm-up With a partner, one person working Row 250m x 2 rounds Partner resting performs: Foam Rolling of x 10 passes each: Calves Adductors WOD 3 Rounds (w. a partner) Row 1500 meters 10 Curtis P’s (115, 75) *30min Cap* RX: (95, 65) L2: (75, 55) L1: (65, 35) – Curtis P = 1 Power […]

  • Wednesday 7.26.17 WOD

    Mobility 3 Way Banded Shoulder + Lat stretch x 20s each + Jerk Review Warm-up With a light Kettlebell: 10 Turkish Get-ups (total) Then, 5:00 of Bodyweight movement x 10 reps each – Air Squats – Lunges – Push-ups – Sit-ups – Supermans – Hollow Rocks – Scorpions Strength Split Jerk from Rack 9min EMOM […]

  • Tuesday 7.25.17 WOD

    Mobility 1a) High to Low Plank x 10 passes 1b) Shoulder Taps x 20 (alternating) 1c) Banded Lat Stretch x 20s each x 2 rounds Warm-up Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up Skill Review *Spend 10:00 teaching people the kip 10Min EMOM : ODD Minutes: 20s Kipping. Adv: T2B, Butterfly Pull-up EVEN Minutes: 20s L-Sit or L-Hold […]

  • Monday 7.24.17 WOD

    Mobility 60s Pigeon Pose on Box Each Side *This can be done on a 20, 24, 30″box. Warm-up 5:00 Dynamic + 2 Rounds of: 5 Heavy Russian Swings (squeeze glutes) 10 Wide Stance Heavy Goblet Squats 15s Elbow Plank (squeeze abs) Strength Front Squat Cluster 1) Front Squat Clusters: 6 x 1.1.1 (20s). Rest 2:00 […]

  • Sunday 7.23.17 WOD

    Mobility Softball x 30s each Glute Lax Ball x 30s each pec Warm-up Fun Coaches Choice Warm-up Strength 12 Min EMOM: Minute 1: 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (135, 95) Minute 2: 1 TGU each arm Minute 3: 10 BB Rows (135, 95) Training Intent Completed in EMOM fashion today. Nothing here should be maximal […]

  • Saturday 7.22.17 WOD

    Warm-up Rowling x 6 Rounds w. partners – While one athlete rows the other two athletes complete 5 KBS/5 Burpee WOD Teams of 3: (40min CAP) Row 3k Then, 5 Rounds of: 30 KBS (70, 55) 30 Burpees Then, Row 3k RX: (55, 35) L2: (45,25) L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) Training Intent Athletes can […]

  • Friday 7.21.17 WOD

    Mobility Glute Activation + Squat Mobility 2 Rounds of: 1a) Single Leg Hip Thrust x 5 ea. (1 ct at top). Rest 10s. 1b) Wide Stance Goblet Squat x 5. Rest 10s. 1c) X-Band Walk x 20s each directionWarm-up  Warm-up 2 Rounds With a empty Barbell: 5 Deadlifts 5 Muscle Cleans 5 Front Squats 5 […]

  • Thursday  7.20.17 WOD

    Mobility General Mobilty w. Foam Roller x 10 passes – IT Bands – Lats – Quads – Thoracic Spine Warm-up PVC Game + DB Hang Power Snatch Review + Practice Then, 10 DB HPS ea 20 Mtn Climbers 10 Air Squats + Box Jump Review – Talk about the different between stepping down vs rebounding […]

  • Wednesday 7.19.17 WOD

    Warm-up Dynamic or Game Then, 3 Presses from Split 3 Push Press 3 Split Jerks 3 Bent-over Rows 10 Hollow Rocks *Add weight x 2 rounds With above mix in 10 Scap Push-ups 20 Banded Pull-aparts Strength EMOM for 12 min: ODD Minutes: 2 Split Jerks @75% EVEN Minutes: 15-20s Hollow Hold Training Intent Week 1 […]