Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 6.28.17 WOD

    Mobility 1a) Wall Squats Arms Extended OH: 2 x 10 @3211 3211: 3sec descend to bottom of squat position, 2sec hold in bottom position, 1 sec return to top position, 1sec rest at top. Repeat for 10 reps and 2 round. Super set with wall slides 1b) Wall Slides: 2 x 10 @3111 3111: 3sec […]

  • Tuesday 6.27.17 WOD

    Mobility World Greatest Stretch x 30s each pose Warm-up Row 500m Then, 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Squat Thrusts 10 Ball Slams 10 Lunges in place each leg 10 Supermans 10 Scorpions WOD EMOM 20min ODD Minutes: 10/8 Calorie Row EVEN Minutes: 10 Burpees Rx+:(12/10 Calorie Row) (12 Burpees) L2: (40s of Work each set) L1: […]

  • Monday 6.26.17 WOD

    Warm-up Grab an empty BB + Complete: 20 Walking Lunges 10 Scorpions 20s Pigeon Pose each side 10 RDLs 8 Front Squats 6 Sumo Deadlifts 20 Walking Lunges Prep 2 Sets of: 15 Russian Swings (squeeze glutes at top) X-Band Walk x 5 steps backward/5 forward 5 ea Glute Hip Bridge Singe Leg (1 ct […]

  • Sunday 6.25.17 WOD

    Mobility Foam Roll 10 passes each – Lats – Quads – IT Bands – Thoracic Spine Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up WOD Run 1 Mile Rest 5:00 50 Ring Rows 30 Power Clean + Jerks (135, 95) Rx+:(25 Bar Muscle-ups) (155, 105) *Rx+ Option only for those that did not do Saturday Metcon L3: (95, 65) L2: […]

  • Saturday 6.24.17 WOD

    Warm-up Choice of Fun Warm-up Spend 15:00 and mix general mobility in. – Examples of Games: Abmat Pizza Game, Dodgeball, Name Game, Funnel Tag. Take this opportunity to put your own spin on something fun that gets people moving. Prep 6min w. partner 8 Wallballs each 8 Russian Swings each 4 Pull-ups each WOD 12 […]

  • Friday 6.23.17 WOD

    Mobility Glute Activation + Squat Mobility 2 Rounds of: 1a) Single Leg Hip Thrust x 5 ea. (1 ct at top). Rest 10s. 1b) Cook Squats x 5 reps. Rest 10s. 1c) X-Band Walk x 20s each direction Warm-up 2 Sets. Add weight for set 2 10 RDLs 8 Front Squats 6 Bar Facing Burpees […]

  • Thursday 6.22.17 WOD

    Mobility General Mobility – Have athlete choice 3 spots and spend 1:00 on each with either foam roller or lax ball Warm-up Rowing in Teams of 2: 10min. Each athlete will complete 5 x 1min sets at a moderate pace. WOD In teams of 2: For time: Run 1 Mile 100 Overhead Squats (75, 55) […]

  • Wednesday 6.21.17 WOD

    Warm-up 3 Rounds of 20 work/10 rest: 1a) Single Unders 1b) Light DB Push Press 1c) DB Hammer Curls (same DBs) 1d) Double Under (or attempts) Prep 2 Sets of: 10 Push-ups 15 Banded Pull-aparts 20 Pushdowns Strength Speed Close Grip Bench Press (5 x 5 @55%, every 60s.) Bench Press Alternative: Close Grip Floor […]

  • Tuesday 6.20.17 WOD

    Warm-up Grab a KB and a Jump Rope, then complete: 10 Russian Swings 10 Hollow Rocks 10 SDHP 30 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders 10 American Swings 10 Hollow Rocks 10 SDHP 30 Double or Single Unders WOD 5 Rounds of 40sec Work/20sec Rest: a) KBS (55, 35) b) SDHP (55, 35) c) Assault […]

  • Monday 6.19.17 WOD

    Mobility – 60s Pigeon Pose each side – 15 Terminal Knee Extensions each leg. Warm-up Dynamic warm-up Strength Front Squat Wave 3-2-1-3-2-1. Rest 2-3:00 – Same Concept as Back Squat from last month – 2nd Wave should be heavier than the first – Start at roughly 50% of 1RM. – For example, Set 1: 3 […]