Category: WOD


    As we approach the holiday weekend we want to remind everyone about the importance of staying present.  It’s so easy to get swept up in how busy and hectic the holidays have become.  Take some time to enjoy the loved ones around you.  And don’t forget… Come on in for some great holiday themed workouts […]

  • Monday 12/19/22

    Workout 8 Crazy Nights8 Rounds For Time:8 Wall Balls8 T2B8 Front Squats8 Burpee Bar Hops8 Power Snatches8 KB Swings8 Goblet Squats8 Box Jumps**48 Min Time Cap

  • Sunday 12/18/22

    Workout 4 Sets for Max Reps1:00 – Alt. DBL Db Front Rack Lunges1:00 – DB Deficit Push Ups1:00 – Sit Ups1:00 – Rest

  • Saturday 12/17/22

    Workout For Time:25 Ring Muscle-Ups50 Hang Power Cleans75 Box Jumps100 Cal Row Partner Option Available.

  • Friday 12/16/22

    Strength Back Squat Workout 2 Sets* AMRAP x 5 Minutes:7 Thrusters7 Burpees Over Bar Rest 3:00 minutes in-between sets

  • Thursday 12/15/22

    Strength Power Snatch Workout For Time:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Power Snatches10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Toes to Bar Complete a 100m Run after each round

  • Wednesday 12/14/22

    SKill Rope Climbs Workout EMOM x 21 Minutes:MIN 1: 50 Double UndersMIN 2: 16 Alt. DB Goblet LungeMIN 3: :50 Max Rope Climb


    Happy Monday everyone!  This week we have some great skills to look forward to.  Get ready for some rope climb practice on Tuesday (wear long socks!), a short thruster burner on Friday, and a long partner chipper on Saturday with gymnastics, barbell, and cardio.  Thank you to all who are participating in our 2023 equipment […]

  • Tuesday 12/13/22

    Strength Deadlift Workout “Diane”21-15-9 DeadliftHandstand Push-Up

  • Monday 12/12/22

    Strength Bench Press Workout 4 Rounds for Time:300m Run12/10 Cal Bike15 Pull-Ups