Category: WOD

  • Sunday 6.18.17 WOD

    Warm-up Limber 11 Strength Single Leg BB RDLs  (4 x 8 ea. Rest 90s.) One Arm DB Row (3 x 12 ea. Rest 60s.) Russian Twists (3 x 20. Rest 60s.) WOD 21min AMRAP 10 Calorie Row 15 Hang Power Cleans 20 Air Squats 25 Sit-ups Rx: (65, 35) L2: (55, 25) L1: (Snatch Grip […]

  • Saturday 6.17.17 WOD

    Mobility Tissue Work, 10 passes each. – Lats – Thoracic Spine – Quads – Adductors Warm-up Abmat Pizza game *2 Burpee penalty for drops WOD 4 RFT w. a partner: 2 Rope Climbs 20 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115, 75) (total reps) 20 Push-ups 1k Row Rx+:(Legless RC) Rx: (95, 65) L2: (10 BA Chin-ups […]

  • Friday 6.16.17 WOD

    Mobility Glute Activation + Squat Mobility 2 Rounds of: 1a) Single Leg Hip Thrust x 5 ea. (1 ct at top). Rest 10s. 1b) Cook Squats x 5 reps. Rest 10s. 1c) X-Band Walk x 20s each direction Warm-up 2 Sets. Add weight for set 2 10 RDLs 8 Front Squats 6 Bar Facing Burpees […]

  • Thursday 6.15.17 WOD

    Mobility 3 Way Banded Shoulder Stretch x 2 sets/20s each positionA) Warm-up Dynamic Warm-up Prep Farmer Carry Relay In teams of 3 for 10:00 60s UB Max Distance Farmer Carry (70, 53) *Goal is to walk at least 100m in that 60s interval without dropping. *Drop = team penalty of 7 Burpees each athlete Training Intent […]

  • Wednesday 6.14.17 WOD

    Mobility:  Band Work – Banded Pull-apart in front, behind neck, forhead height x 15 reps each – Multi Grip Push-ups: 10 Close 10 Medium 10 Wide Warm-up:  20 Work/10 Rest x 3 Rounds 1a) Double Under or Attempts 1b) Air Squats 1c) Hollow Rocks Strength:  Speed Close Grip Bench Press: 5 x 5 @50%, every […]

  • Monday 6.12.17 WOD

    Warm-up: 10min 5:00 Dynamic Then, 3 Muscle Cleans 3 Push Press *Worlds Greatest Stretch x 20s each 3 Power Cleans 3 Squat Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Push Jerk 3 Split Jerks Mobility: 5min 3 Sets of: 5 Cook Squats w. OH Reach 5 Reverse Lunges 5 Presses from Split Strength: 20min Paused Back Squat […]

  • Sunday 6.11.17 WOD

    Mobility: 10min Limber 11 Strength: 20min 10min: Back Squat (4×5 Rest 90s.) 10min: Chest to Ring Pull-Ups (4×5 Rest 90s.) no kipping *or ring rows x 8-10 reps per set Training Intent Make up Gymnastics testing or complete programmed strength work. WOD: 25min 3 Rounds of: 15 Front Squats (135, 95) 10 Burpees over the […]

  • Saturday 6.10.17 WOD

    Warm-up: 25min Funnel Tag -then- Grab a KB: 5 Russian Swing right arm 5 Russian Swings left arm 5 KB Push Press right arm 5 KB Push Press left arm Grab a medball: 10 Wallballs 8 Burpees 6 KBS 10 Wallballs WOD: 35min Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) AMRAP 30 with a partner: Run 400 Meters […]

  • Friday 6.9.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min With a PVC: 10 Pass Throughs 10 Around the World 20s Lat Stretch each side 10 PVC OHS Warm-up: 10min 5:00 Dynamic Then, 2 Sets of: 3 Muscle Clean 3 Front Squat 3 Power Cleans *10 X-Band Walks Laterally Each 3 Bear Complexes *10 X-Band Walks Forward/Backward Strength: 15min Partner Strength Complex (1×1) […]

  • Thursday 6.8.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min Tissue Work x 10 passes each: – Have people pick 3 spots they are most sore and devote about 1:00 to each. Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Line –Then– Abmat Pizza Game (2 burpee penalty for drops) + 20 Air Squats 20 Sit-ups 20 Walking Lunges 20 Supermans Strength AMRAP 15: 1a) Farmer Carry x 100 meters, […]