Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 6.7.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min 3 Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch + 20 Alt. DB Curls to Warm-up Biceps Warm-up: 10min 30 Jumping Jacks then, Grab a BB: 10 Shoulder Press 10 BB Rows 10 Lateral Jumps over your bar 10 Supinated Grip BB Rows 10 Push Press 10 Lateral Burpees over the Bar Strength: 20min EMOM 15: Minute […]

  • Tuesday 6.6.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min Wall Slides: 2 x 10 + Handstand Progressions Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Line –Then– With your partner Row 250m Each –Then– Grab a set of light DBs and a Box with your partner: Complete: 10 DB Lunges in place each (total) 10 Renegade Rows each (total) 10 Alternating Step-ups each (total) Skill Review: 15min […]

  • Monday 6.5.17 WOD

    Warm-up: 10min 3 Rounds of: 5 Power Cleans 10 Sit-ups 15 Air Squats 20 Banded Goodmornings *Add weight to the barbell after the first round. Strength: 20min Power Clean (1RM, 8-10 sets, rest 2min b/t sets) – Beg: 10 x 2 working technique Training Intent – Strength:Spend 5:00 working technique and the another 15:00 building […]

  • Sunday 6.4.17 WOD

    Mobility Tissue Work x 10 passes each – Thoracic Spine – Lats – Adductors Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm Up WOD For total time: 30 DB Thrusters (55,35) 400m Run Rest 2:00 40 Alt. DB Snatches (55,35) 400m Run Rest 2:00 50 DB Push Press (55,35) 400m Run Rest 2:00 60 DB Front Squats (55,35) Run […]

  • Saturday 6.3.17 WOD

    Warm-up Dynamic Line Warm Up –Then– Abmat Pizza Game *For every drop athletes will complete: 10 Lunges in Place alternating 10 Sit-ups with their Abmat 10 Shoulder Taps Prep Warm-up all Movements WOD With a running clock with a partner: 0:00-10:00 Row 1k 40 Front Squats (135,95) 20 C2B Pull-ups Remaining time Max: Burpee Box […]

  • Friday 6.2.17 WOD

    Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Line Warm Up –Then– Limber 11. This warm-up is a complete warm-up that encompasses mobility drills. Feel free to include your favorite aspects of this. Strength: 20min Sumo Deadlift (10min EMOM) 2 Sumo Deadlifts for Speed @80% – Reset on each rep – No Box Jumps this week – After deadlifts, warm-up […]

  • Thursday 6.1.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min Worlds Greatest Stretch x 20s each pose Warm-up: 10min Dynamic line warm up –Then– 1 Round of: Run 200m 15 Sit-ups Run 200m 15 Push-ups Run 200m 15 Air Squats WOD: 30min Teams of 3 in 25:00 complete: 120 DB Step-ups (24,20)(45s,25s) 120 Ball Slams (20,10) Remaining time Max Calories on the Assault […]

  • Wednesday 5.31.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min 2 Sets of: 15 Banded Pushdowns 15 Banded Pull-aparts (1 set behind neck/1 set in front) Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Line Warm Up –Then– 30 Jumping Jacks –Then– 3 Rounds with a light barbell: 10 Bent-over Rows 10 Push Press 5 Power Snatch 5 Yoga Push-ups Strength: 20min Close Grip Bench (1RM,  take 6-8 […]

  • Tuesday 5.30.17 WOD

    Mobility: 8min – Lax Ball on Calves x 30s each – Banded Ankle Distractions x 15 each Warm-up: 8min Dynamic Circle Warm-up + Tabata Double Unders Strength: 10min Pistol Practice *Spend 5:00 going over Pistols and 5:00 practicing. Scaling Options: – Post or band assisted – Box Pistol – Single Leg Movement ie. lunge Training […]

  • Monday 5.29.17 WOD

    Warm-up 3 Rounds of: 100 Meter Run 10 Air Squats 8 Push-ups 6 Pull-ups Rest 60s-90s. *This will give your athletes time to warm-up and set-up their scaling WOD “Murph” For Time: 1-Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1-Mile Run If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it. In […]