Category: WOD

  • Thursday 5.18.17 WOD

    Jacy & Chris - Wayne

    Mobility Foam Roll Adductors x 10 passes each + 5 Roll-over to split Stretch Foam IT Bands x 10 passes each Warm-up Dynamic Warm Up –Then– Run 400m –Then, Coach led– Grab an Empty BB: 5 Muscle Snatches 10 Reverse Lunges in Place 5 Hang Power Snatch 10 Air Squats 5 Power Snatch 10 Sit-ups […]

  • Wednesday 5.17.17 WOD

    CrossFit Prom 2017

    Bring a friend day! Explanation of programming layout Mobility: 5min Lax Ball, 30s on the following: – Pecs – Scapular – Triceps Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Warm Up –Then– 2 Rounds with a light KB 5 KB Push Press each 5 Single Arm Russian Swing each 5 KB Windmills each 5 Goblet Reverse Lunge each 5 […]

  • Wednesday 5.17.17 WOD

    Mobility: 5min Lax Ball, 30s on the following: – Pecs – Scapular – Triceps Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Warm Up –Then– 2 Rounds with a light KB 5 KB Push Press each 5 Single Arm Russian Swing each 5 KB Windmills each 5 Goblet Reverse Lunge each 5 Burpees Strength18min 1. Shoulder Press (1RM in 8-10 […]

  • Tuesday 5.16.17 WOD

    Coach Mike and Kelsey, CrossFit Prom

    Warm-up: 15min Dynamic Warm Up –Then– Tabata #1: 1a) Double Unders 1b) Squat Thrusts Tabata #2: 1a) Supermans 1b) Hollow Hold –Then– PVC Game WOD: 30min 30min EMOM Min 1: 10 Burpees Min 2: 10 Box Jumps w. step down (24,20) Min 3: 10/8 Calorie Assault Bike Min 4: 10 Hollow Rocks Min 5: 10-30sec […]

  • Monday 5.15.17 WOD

    CrossFit Prom 2017

    Mobility: 5min Accumulate :90 in the bottom of a (perfect) squat Warm-up: 10min Dynamic Line Warm Up –Then– X-Band Walks x 2 sets: 10 steps in each direction –Then– 2 Rounds 20 Walking Lunges 10 Sumo Deadlifts (empty BB) 10 Russian Swings Strength: 15min Front Box Squat (1RM in 8-10 sets) Beginners: 5 x 5, […]

  • Sunday 5.14.17 WOD

    Jared - Ardmore

    Happy Mother Day and 40th Birthday to Jared Stauffer Mobility Lateral Seam WOD “40 years of labor” 20 -15 – 5 Bike for Calories KB Swings (70,55,55,35) –Then– 20 -15 – 5 Row for Calories Burpees over rower –Then– 20 -15 – 5 Squat Cleans (135,95,115,75) 200m Run $ Out 10min EMOM Odds: 3-6 Strict […]

  • Saturday 5.13.17 WOD

    Partner Up! Mobility Shoulder Scrub WOD “Going Stag” Teams of 3: 3 Rounds: 100 Calorie Row 50 Bench Press (135,95) 400m Team Run $ Out Attend the Prom!  

  • Friday 5.12.17 WOD

    Patty - Ardmore

    Mobility Neck & Spine WOD “Nautical Nancy” 5 Rounds 250m Row 15 OHS (95,65) **last completed 2.12.15** $Out Back Squat (2×75%, 1×80%, 2×75%, 1×83%, 2×75%, 1×85%) **score 1×85% WOD NOTES

  • Thursday 5.11.17 WOD

    Patrick - Wayne

    Prom Location &  King/Queen WOD #3 CrossFit Prom Leaderboard Update Prom Box Competition Explanation Mobility Overhead Archetype WOD “Livin’ On A Prayer” For Time: 800m Run 40 Burpees over the Bar 20 Power Snatches (95,65,65,45) 10 Bar Muscle Ups (30 Pull Ups) • Burpee over bar, hips do not have to open. 2 foot take […]

  • Wednesday 5.10.17 WOD

    Fons - Ardmore

    Prom Location &  King/Queen WOD #2 CrossFit Prom Leaderboard Update Prom Box Competition Explanation Mobility Calf & Quad WOD “Take My Breath Away” 100 Dubs (300 singles) 75 Cal Row 50 DB Front Rack Lunges (45,35,35,25) **partition work however you see fit** • 20min time cap • DB in each hand, L+R = 2 • […]