Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 5.9.17 WOD

    Doug & Jacy - Wayne

    Prom Box Competition Explanation Mobility Medial Chain WOD “Parents Just Don’t Understand” 3 Rounds 400m Run 25 Sit Ups 20 DB Push Presses (35,25) 15 Deadlifts (185,135) $ Out 10min EMOM Odds: 15/12 Cal Row Evens: 4 Front Squats @ 70% WOD NOTES

  • Monday 5.8.17 WOD

    Shannon - Ardmore 1986 Year Book

    Prom Location &  King/Queen WOD #1 Prom Box Competition Explanation Mobility Pigeon Complex + Front Rack WOD **Choose your fastest metcon below and complete, 15min time cap** “Karen” 150 Wall Balls “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Squat Cleans + Ring Dips “Jackie” 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters, 30 Pull Ups $Out Thruster (1RM from the rack) WOD NOTES

  • Sunday 5.7.17 WOD

    Chris & Coach Mike - Ardmore

    Mobility Shoulder Jobe WOD “Empty Cals” 2 Rounds 200 Meter Prowler Push (empty) 30 Calorie Bike 200 Meter Prowler Push (empty) 60 DUBs (x2) –Rest 5min to WOD #2– “Fist Full Of Dollars” 21-15-9 Thrusters (95,65,75,55) KB Swings (55,35,45,25) $ Out 10min EMOM Even: 3-5 Muscle-ups Odd: 4-6 Kipping Deficit HSPU Rx+ = weight vest […]

  • Saturday 5.6.17 WOD

    Brosesh - Wayne

    Mobility Hip Wall Opener WOD “I” Partner Up 100 Calorie Row 50 Burpee Bar Hops 50 Squat Cleans (115,75,95,65) 50 Alternating T2B (L+R=1) 50 Squat Cleans 50 Burpee Bar Hops 100 Calorie Row $ Out Have a great weekend! WOD NOTES

  • Friday 5.5.17 WOD

    Coach Lea and Talia

    Mobility Shoulder Jobe WOD “Strict Press Biathlon” 25 Strict Press (95,65) 25 Strict Press (65,45) 25 Strict Press (45,35) **Every time you break you must complete 20 Dubs (40 singles) **20min time cap $ Out 3 Rounds for max reps unbroken Bench Press (135,95,95,65) Ring Rows at parallel WOD NOTES

  • Thursday 5.4.17 WOD

    Sid - Ardmore

    Mobility Neck and Shoulders WOD “Kettlebell Glory” 3min AMRAP 25 KB Swings (55,45,45,35) 25 Sit Ups AMRAP 1-arm Hang KB Snatches –1min Rest– 3min AMRAP 25 KB Swings 25 Sit Ups AMRAPf 1-arm Hang KB Clean and Jerks –1min Rest– 3min AMRAP 25 KB Swings 25 Sit Ups AMRAP of KB Goblet Squats **Rest 5 […]

  • Wednesday 5.3.17 WOD

    Scott, Jimmy, Patrick, Steve - Ardmore

    Bring a Friend Day! Mobility 6min Couch stretch, rotating every 60sec. **extra challenge, elevate front foot “Melody and Moonlight” In 40min complete: 40 Cal Row 40 Box Overs (24,20) 40 Deadlifts (135,95,115,75 40 Wallballs (20,14) 40 Ring Dips 40 Wallballs 40 Deadlifts 40 Box Overs 40 Cal Row $ Out Mobility with Coach WOD NOTES

  • Tuesday 5.2.17 WOD

    Dave, Scott, Jared - Ardmore

    Mobility Overhead Archetype WOD “Wanderer of the Wasteland” 4min AMRAP 18 Power Snatch (75,55,65,45) 18 Burpee Pull-ups Max Calorie Bike –4min Rest– 4min AMRAP 15 Power Snatch (95,65,75,55) 15 Burpee Pull-ups Max Calorie Bike –4min Rest– 4min AMRAP 12 Power Snatch (115,75,95,65) 12 Burpee Pull-ups Max Calorie Bike **Score total cals rowed $ Out 7min […]

  • Monday 5.1.17 WOD

    Jonah - Ardmore

    Mobility: 5min Lateral Seam WOD “Trail Of Dust” For weight: 10 Snatches 20 Deadlifts 10 Snatches **score weight used –5min reset– “The White Horseman” 3 Rounds: 10 Front Squats (135,95,115,75 20 C2B 50 Dubs (x2) $ Out 35 Weighted Bridge Ups

  • Sunday 4.30.17 WOD

    Terri and Heather - Ardmore

    Mobility Overhead Archetype WOD “Climbing ‘Grace’” 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Regular Rope Climb 10 Clean and Jerks (115,75,95,65) 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Regular Rope Climb 8 Clean and Jerks 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Regular Rope Climb 6 Clean and Jerks 1 Legless + 1 Regular Rope Climb 4 Clean […]