Category: WOD

  • Saturday 4.29.17 WOD

    Curt - Wayne

    Partner Up! WOD “Painstorm X1” For Time 100 meter Run 10 Muscle-Ups 200 meter Run 20 Handstand Push-Ups 300 meter Run 30 Overhead Squats (45/35 lb bar) 400 meter Run 40 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (45/35 lb bar) 500 meter Run 50 Pull-Ups 600 meter Run 60 Push-Ups 700 meter Run 70 Kettlebell Swings (1/.75 […]

  • Friday 4.28.17 WOD

    Announcement Athlete appreciation week 5.7.17 – 5.14.17 80s CrossFit Prom 5.13.17 Mobility Glutes and QL WOD “Christine” 3 Rounds for time: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts, bodyweight 21 Box Jumps, 20″ $ Out 1 mile run @ 80% pace WOD NOTES

  • Thursday 4.27.17 WOD

    Mobility Posterior Shoulder Scrub WOD “Follow You Follow Me” 21-15-9 Power Snatches (85,60,75,55) Ring Dips 21-15-9 Power Snatches C2B $ Out 5min AMRAP 40-30-20-10 Barbell Curls 10-20-30-40 KB Swings **Athlete chooses weight WOD NOTES

  • Wednesday 4.26.17 WOD


    Mobility 3min weighted squat test WOD “Wes” Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate Then, 14 rounds of: 5 strict pull-ups 4 burpee box jumps, 24-in. box 3 cleans, 185 lb. Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate **Squat cleans **Women: 20″, 115# clean, 15# plate) –40min time cap– U.S. Navy Lt. J. Wesley […]

  • Tuesday 4.25.17 WOD

    Mobility Keg Stretch WOD “Kettlebell Hell” 15,12 Cal bike 20  KB Snatch (55,35,45,25) 40 Goblet Squats (55,35,45,25) 15,12 Cal bike 20 KB Snatch 40 Goblet Squats 15,12 Cal bike 20 KB Snatch 40 Goblet Squats **snatch, 10 each arm $ Out 10min EMOM Odds: 15/12 Cal Row Evens: 10 Front Squats @ 60% WOD NOTES

  • Monday 4.24.17 WOD

    Bowling Night - Wynnewood Lanes

    Mobility Overhead Archetype WOD “Tiger Balm” 21 -18 -15 -12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Cal Row Strict Press (75,55,65,45) **Last completed 2.7.17 $ Out 3 Rounds 21 MB Sit Ups 15 T2B **extra challenge use GHD WOD NOTES

  • Saturday 4.23.17 WOD

    Bowling Night - Devon Lanes

    Mobility Keg Stretch WOD “2017 CrossFit Games Masters Qualifier 2” 12min AMRAP 100  DB Snatches (55,35,35,25) 80 Cal Row 60 Burpees 40 Bar Muscle Ups **Score total reps –5min reset to WOD 2– “2017 CrossFit Games Masters Qualifier 5” 2 Rounds 10 Deadlifts (315,225,175,255) 20 Deficit HSPU/HSPU (4.5-in. deficit) 30 Front Squats (95,65,75,55) **15min time […]

  • Saturday 4.22.17 WOD

    ANNOUNCEMENT Bowling Night Devon Lanes Fri 4.21, RSVP Wynnewood Lanes Sat 4.22, RSVP Mobility Ankle & Hip WOD “The Iron Rattler” 20min AMRAP Teams of 2 7 Wall Balls (20,14) 7 Box Jumps (24,20) Shuttle Sprint (3×30′) 7 Burpees Shuttle Sprint (3×30′) $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 4.21.17 WOD


    ANNOUNCEMENT Bowling Night Devon Lanes Fri 4.21, RSVP Wynnewood Lanes Sat 4.22, RSVP Mobility Banded Overhead Extension WOD “Eva” 5 rounds for time: Run 800 meters 30 Kettlebell swing, 70# / 53# 30 Pull-ups $Out Power Clean (5min EMOM (2PC + 2FS + 2 Jerks)) @ 60% power clean WOD NOTES

  • Thursday 4.20.17 WOD

    Mike - Ardmore

    ANNOUNCEMENT Bowling Night Devon Lanes Fri 4.21, RSVP Wynnewood Lanes Sat 4.22, RSVP Mobility Couch + Overhead Extension WOD “Thunderbolt” 5 Rounds 8 Strict T2B 8 Dumbbell Thrusters (45,35,35,25) 14 DB Lunges (45,35,35,25) $Out Overhead Squat ((2(5@60%, 5@ 65%, 5@70%)) **score 5×70%) WOD NOTES