Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 2.7.17 WOD

    Ardmore 5:45am out for a run

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Tiger Balm” 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Calorie Row Strict Press (75,55,65,45) $Out Bent Over Row ( 6×4 & 60%) WOD NOTES

  • Monday 2.6.17 WOD

    Sam - Ardmore

    Max Effort Lower Strength 1RM Back Squat or Front Squat or Overhead Squat **complete a variation you did not complete last week   WOD “Deep Heat” 5 Rounds: 1min Squat Snatches (100,70,80,60) 1min  Burpee Dumbbell Box Step-Ups (55,35,45,25)(20″) 1min Bike for Calories 1min Rest **Score total reps + cals $ Out 3x40sec. PVC Paddling with […]

  • Sunday 2.5.17 WOD

    Fran - Wayne

    Monster Mash! WOD “Bergeron Open Test” AMRAP in 20 minutes 50 Wall Ball Shots (20,14) 50 Double Unders 40 Box Jumps 40 Toes-to-Bars 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 30 Burpees 20 Power Cleans (145,100) 20 Jerks (145,100) 10 Power Snatches (145,100) 10 Muscle-Ups $ Out 3x1min weighted plank WOD NOTES

  • Saturday 2.4.17 WOD

    David - Ardmore

    Partner Up! WOD “Bar Crawl” Teams of 3 7min AMRAP Bench Press 50 Bench Press (135,95,105,75) 50 Bench Press (155,105,135,95) AMRAP Bench Press (185,135,155,105) –3min Rest– 7min AMRAP 50 Front Squat (135,95,105,75) 50 Front Squat  (155,105,135,95) AMRAP Front Squat (185,135,155,105) –3min Rest– 7min AMRAP 50 Deadlifts (185,135,155,105) 50 Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) AMRAP Deadlifts (275,185,225,155) **Score each […]

  • Friday 1.3.17 WOD

    Max Effort Lower WOD In 10min find your 1RM Back Squat or Front Squat or Overhead Squat **From the rack –Then– “False Flags” 7 Rounds 200m Row 1 Snatch **Only 1 attempt to complete a snatch (full or power) each round. If you fail do not count towards score **Score total weight moved and time […]

  • Thursday 2.2.17 WOD

    Vic - Wayne

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Apollo” 5 x 3min AMRAPs 2,4,6,8,10,12…… K2E 4 Unbroken Thrusters 3min rest between each round **Score your lowest total thrusters, weight in comments $Out Power snatch + Hang power snatch (10min EMOM @ 60%) WOD NOTES

  • Wednesday 2.1.17 WOD

    5:45am Wayne Crew

    Bring a Friend Day! WOD “Tri Sprint Intervals V3” 5 Rounds of 4:00 on / 4:00 off 30,20 Calorie Row 30 10m Shuttle Sprints AMRAP Calorie Bike Rest 4:00 between rounds **Score total cals biked $ Out 3 x Max Time Plank **elbow or straight arm WOD NOTES

  • Tuesday 1.31.17 WOD

    Bonnie & Kirsten - Ardmore

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Aphrodite” 10-12-16-18-20 Dumbbell Snatch (75,55,60,35) Burpees over DB **After each round 100′ Walking Lunge $Out Back Squat (6×4 @ 65%) WOD NOTES

  • Monday 1.30.17 WOD

    Akiva - Ardmore

    Max Effort Upper Mobility WOD In 10min find your 1RM Shoulder Press or Push Press or Split Jerk **From the rack –Then– “CrossFit Games Open 15.3” 14-Minute AMRAP of: 7 Muscle-ups 50 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# 100 Double-Unders (x3) **Scale to last completed movements or • Bar Muscle Ups •  7MU = 14 C2B […]

  • Sunday 1.29.17 WOD

    CIA Memorial Wall

    Monster Mash! Mobility WOD “The Seven” 7 Rounds of: 7 Handstand Push-ups 7 Thrusters, 135# 7 Knees-To-Elbows 7 Deadlifts, 245# 7 Burpees 7 Kettlebell Swings, 70# 7 Pull-ups A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009 To learn more about The […]