Category: WOD

  • Thursday 12.29.16 WOD

    WOD “Tri Sprint Intervals” 5 Rounds of 4:00 on / 4:00 off: 30,20 Calorie Row 30,20 Calorie Bike AMRAP 10m Shuttle Runs **Score total 10m shuttle runs **courtesy of CFNE $Out Box Squat (5×3 @ 75%, below parallel, wide stance) WOD NOTES

  • Wednesday 12.28.16 WOD

    Hanukka WOD

    WOD “8 Crazy Nights” **last complete 12.13.15 8 Rounds 8 Wall Balls (20,14) 8 T2B 8 Front Squats (75,55) 8 Burpee Bar Hops 8 Snatches (75,55) 8 KB Swings (55,35) 8 Goblet Squats (55,35) 8 Box Jumps (24,20) **45min time cap $ Out Mobility with Coach WOD NOTES

  • Tuesday 12.27.16 WOD

    Coach Steph

    WOD 0:00 – 12:00min Bench Press (6×4 @ 70%) –At 15min Begin– “Sagittarius” 17min Up Ladder: 2,4,6,8,10,12….. Bench Press (135,95,115,75) KB Swings (70,55,55,35) $ Out 3×10 Sit Ups, single arm DB overhead WOD NOTES

  • Monday 12.26.16 WOD

    Matt & Coach Todd

    8:30am & 9:30am WODs **babysitting at both times** WOD “The Chief Is Dead” 5 x 4min AMRAPs 3 Power Cleans (135,95) 6 Push-Ups 9 Air Squats 12 Deadlifts (135,95) –Rest 1 Minute– **pick up each round where you left off on the previous round **score total rounds plus reps $ Out 4×20 DB Side Bends […]

  • Sunday 12.25.16 WOD

    Box Closed Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah

  • Saturday 12.24.16 WOD

    WOD “12 Days of CrossFit” 1 HSPU 2 OHS (95,65) 3 Snatch (95,65) 4 Snatch Grip Dead Lifts (95,65) 5 Box Jumps (24,20) 6 K2E 7 Burpees 8 Kettlebell Swings (55,35) 9 Ring Dips 10 Walking Lunges (L+R=1) 11 Sit Ups 12 oz Beer or Ball Slams Complete the workout, like the song. Round one […]

  • Friday 12.23.16 WOD

    1st Lt. Michael E. Johnson, 25, of the U.S. Marine Corps

    Max Effort Lower WOD “Johnson” 20-Minute AMRAP of: 9 Deadlifts (245,175) 8 Muscle-ups 9 Squat Cleans (155,105) Scale: 9MU = 18PU+18PU, complete in any combo In honor of 1st Lt. Michael E. Johnson, 25, of the U.S. Marine Corps 7th Communications Battalion, died September 8, 2009 To learn more about Johnson click here $ Out 4 […]

  • Thursday 12.22.16 WOD

    Coach Eve & Coach Merrilee

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Drummer Boy” 5 Rounds: 12 Left Arm DB Snatches (70,45,55,35) 12 Right Arm DB Snatches (70,45,55,35) 12 Cal Assault Bike 3 Rope Climbs (15′) 3min Rest **Score total time, minus rest (12min) $Out Bench Press (4×6 @ 65%) WOD NOTES

  • Wednesday 12.21.16 WOD

    Bring a friend and get paid cash!

    Bring a Friend Day If they sign up you will earn $20 cash! WOD “Frosty” 50 Burpees –Then– 3 Rounds 100′ Walking Lunge 25 Sit Ups 100′ Walking Lunge 25 KB Swings (55,35) –Then– 50 Burpees **Rx+ = Wear a weight vest $ Out 4×20 DB Side Bends WOD NOTES

  • Tuesday 12.20.16 WOD

    Carolyn & Chaz - Wayne

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Row Rudolph Row” 40 Wall Balls (20,14) 2k Row 40 Wall Balls $ Out Box Squat (6×4 @ 70%, below parallel, wide stance) WOD NOTES