Category: WOD

  • Monday 12.19.16 WOD

    2016 Stats

    Dr. Stu in Ardmore Tuesday 12.20.16 Click here to schedule Max Effort Upper WOD In 6min build to a heavy 3 rep Bench Press –Then– “Blitzen” 7 Rounds 7 Bench Press (135,95,115,75) 7 Power Cleans (165,115,135,95) 49 Dubs (x3) $ Out 21-15-9 V-Ups Supermans WOD NOTES

  • Sunday 12.18.16 WOD

    –Dr. Stu in Ardmore Tuesday 12.20.16– Click here to schedule Monster Mash! WOD “Frosty” 5 Rounds 7 Thrusters (105,75,95,65) 1 Legless Rope Climb (15′) –5min Rest– 3 Rounds for time of: 80 Dubs (x3) 40 Air Squats 20 Deadlifts (185,135,155,115) **Score time $ Out 4 Rounds 15 Cals (bike or row) 15 GHD Back Extensions […]

  • Saturday 12.17.16 WOD

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! WOD “Jingle Bells” 25 Min Time Cap Team of 2: 30 Snatches (115,75,95,65) 30 Burpee Box Jumps (20,20,20,20) –50 Toes to Bar– 20 Snatches 20 Burpee Box Jumps –40 Toes to Bar– 10 Snatches 10 Burpee Box Jumps –30 […]

  • Friday 12.16.15 WOD

    Stu, Frank, Mark & Byrnsey

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! Max Effort Upper WOD “North Pole” Tabata SDHP (95,65,75,55) 1min Rest Tabata HSPU 1min Rest Tabata Ring Dips 1min Rest Tabata Assault Bike Cals 1min Rest Tabata KB Swings (55,35,55,35) **Score total reps $ Out 4×20 Hollow Rocks […]

  • Thursday 12.15.16 WOD

    5:45am - Crew

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Oh No Curtis P!” 100 Curtis P’s (105,70, 75,55) **One Curtis P comprises one Power Clean, one Lunge (each leg), and one Push Press **28min tim cap, add 1sec for every remaining rep **If […]

  • Wednesday 12.14.16 WOD

    Patty - Ardmore

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! WOD Monster Mash 12.1.14 Courtesy of CF Games Athlete Matt Chan The goal is to make it to 40 minutes: Odd minutes: Row for Calories (20,15,15,12) Even minutes: 1 Round of Cindy **Score your total rounds, top score […]

  • Tuesday 12.13.16 WOD

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! WOD Last complete 4.9.16 “Annie… are you ok???” 21-15-9 Row for calories DB Thrusters (45,35) Med Ball Clean (20,14) KB SDHP (70,55) Wall Ball (20,14) Burpees $Out Press Complex (8x 1 @ 75% Strict Press, Push Press, Jerk) […]

  • Monday 12.11.16 WOD

    Wayne - Mobility

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! Max Effort Lower WOD “Drinkin’ Doubles” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) Box Jumps (30,24,24,20) –Then– 21-15-9 Back Squats (135,95,115,75) Box Jumps (30,24,24,20) $ Out 5RM Box Squat, below parallel, narrow stance **’stance shoulder width. WOD NOTES

  • Sunday 12.11.16 WOD

    Sid - Ardmore

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! WOD Happy Birthday Sid! “Cugat’s Crusher” 5 Rounds 3min Max Rope climbs (15′) 1min Max KB Swings (55,35) 1min Max Sit Ups 3min 400m Run **Score total climbs+swings+sit ups $ Out 400m Sled Drive completed in 25m Sprints […]

  • Saturday 12.10.16 WOD


    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 7-10pm, Open Bar while it last! WOD Teams of 3 “Jelly Belly” Teams of 3: 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Power Snatches (115,80) 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Clean and Jerks (115,80) 100 Calorie Bike 75 Calorie Row 50 Thrusters […]