Category: WOD

  • Friday 12.9.16 WOD

    Matt - Ardmore

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! Max Effort Upper WOD EMOM for 5min  Power Cleans, building to a heavy  –Then– “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” 1000m Row 22 Wall Balls (20,14,20,14) 22 Power Cleans (165,115,135,95) 22 Wall Balls 22 Power Cleans 1000m Row $ Out […]

  • Thursday 12.8.16 WOD

    Guy - Ardmore

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr 8-10pm, Open Bar while it last! Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Keep ’em Separated” 50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings (70,55,55,35) Unbroken Dubs $Out Press Complex (8x Strict Press, Push Press, Jerk @ 70% complex) WOD NOTES

  • Wednesday 12.7.16 WOD

    Bring a friend and get paid cash!

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr Bring A Friend Day! WOD “Barbara” Five Rounds for time: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats *3-minute rest after each round* **40min time cap, including rest **last completed 6.29.16 $ Out Mobility with Coach WOD NOTES

  • Tuesday 12.6.16 WOD

    Jena (Wayne) & Mark (Ardmore)

    –Save the date 12.17.16– Holiday Party Kelly’s Tap Room, Bryn Mawr Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Hard To Concentrate” –3 Rounds– 7 OHS (95,65,75,55) 7 KB Swings (55,35,55,35) 7 Box Jumps (24,20,24,20) –50,35 Cal Row– –3 Rounds– 7 OHS (95,65,75,55) 7 KB Swings (55,35,55,35) 7 Box Jumps (24,20,24,20) –50,35 Cal Row– –3 Rounds– 7 OHS (95,65,75,55) […]

  • Monday 12.5.16 WOD

    5:45 crew - Ardmore

    Max Effort Upper WOD Last completed 11.18.14 “Time Warp – part 1” At the 0:00 min. 5min AMRAP 5 Back Squats (135,95) 5 Pull Ups 5 Burpees **Score total reps “Time Warp – part 2” At the 5:00 min 5min to establish 1RM: Clean + Hang Clean + STOH **Score 1RM weight for the unbroken […]

  • Sunday 12.4.16 WOD

    Timo keeping it safe - Ardmore

    Monster Mash! WOD Last completed 4.27.16 Written by Coach Matt “Everest” In 30min Complete: 10 – Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) 20 – Power Cleans (135,95,105,75) 30 – Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 40 – Push Press (45,35,35,25) 50 – Ring Dips 60 – Ring Rows 70 – Alt. V-Ups (L+R=2) 80 – Standing Back Extensions (25,15) 90 – Dubs (Scale=x3) […]

  • Saturday 12.3.16 WOD

    Jess and Curt showing off CFML New Swag

    Partner Up! WOD “Your Turn Or Mine?” Teams of 2: 50 Clean & Jerks (135,95,115,75) 50 HSPU 100 Wall Balls (20,14) 50 Rx+ Ring Muscle Ups, Rx 50 Strict Ring Pull Ups 50 Power Snatches (135,95,115,75) **35min time cap, Add 1 sec for every remaining rep **Teams can accomplish the work in whatever manner, order, […]

  • Friday 12.2.16 WOD

    Diane & Coach Ryan - Ardmore

    Max Effort Upper WOD “Factory of Faith” –3 Rounds– 7 Thrusters (75,55,65,45) 7 Burpees 7 T2B –400m Run– –3 Rounds– 7 Thrusters 7 Burpess 7 T2B –400m Run– –3 Rounds– 7 Thrusters 7 Burpees 7 T2B –400m Run– $Out Shoulder Press (EMOM 5min x3 @ 65%, then EMOM 3min to find 1RM) WOD NOTES  

  • Thursday 12.1.16 WOD

    Casey - Wayne

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Sumo Deadlift 12×2  Every 30sec. Speed Pulls @ 65% **These are not TNG. Reset each pull, hands stay on bar. WOD “Set the world on fire” 14min AMRAP 10 Deadlifts (185,135,155,105) 5 C2B 10 Deadlifts (185,135,155,105) 5 C2B 10 Deadlifts  (225,155, 185,135) 5 C2B 10 Deadlifts  (225,155, 185,135) 5 C2B 10 […]

  • Wednesday 11.30.16 WOD

    Jean - Wayne

    Monster Mash! WOD “Bombshell” 0:00 – 2:00 1 Rope Climb (15′) 2 Power Cleans (125,85,105,70) 2:00 – 4:00 1 Rope Climb 4 Power Cleans 4:00 – 6:00 1 Rope Climb 6 Power Cleans 6:00 – 8:00…. **continue up the ladder, score total reps $ Out 10min AMRAP 100′ Walking Lunge 50 Dubs (x3) 25 Burpees […]