Category: WOD

  • Friday 12/2/22

    Strength 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Cleans Workout “ELIZA-PLUS” 27-21-15-9Power Clean (135/95)|(95/65)Ring Dip or HR Push-up

  • Thursday 12/1/22

    Strength Back Squat Workout 4 SETS FOR TIME 15 Thrusters  30 Double Unders 100m Run  -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

  • Wednesday 11/30/22

    Workout “RICKY BOBBY” (Calories) EMOM x 20 MINUTESMIN 1 – 15 BurpeesMIN 2 – 25 Sit-UpsMIN 3 – 15/12 Cal Row*MIN 4 – Rest

  • Tuesday 11/29/22

    Strength Deadlift Workout 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME 2 Deadlift  4 Bar Muscle-Ups 8 Box Jump Overs


    Join us for a holiday party! CFML Holiday Party at Workhorse Brewing Company in KOP. Dec. 2nd 7pm-9pm. Come grab a drink with our coaching staff and meet other Main Line athletes. No RSVP required, just show up! The 5:30pm class will be canceled in honor of the party. This week we will continue to […]

  • Monday 11/28/22

    Strength Bench Press Workout Part 1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 4-6-8-and so on… Cal Bike Wall Balls  (Score is Rounds + Reps)  -Part 2 (Time) FOR TIME 50/40 Cal Bike 50 Wall Balls

  • Sunday 11/27/22

    Workout EMOM x 20 MINUTES MIN 1 & 2 – AMRAP of 10 Toes to Bar + 35 Double Unders* MIN 3 – 20 Push Press  MIN 4 – :45 Bike/Row

  • Saturday 11/26/22

    Workout “The Gobbler”  In Teams Of 2, Saturday Showdown!80 Cal Row50 Deadlifts (125/205)50 Hand Release Push-Up60 Cal Row30 Deadlifts30 Hand Release Push-Ups40 Cal Row20 Deadlift20 Hand Release Push-Ups30 Cal Row10 Deadlift10 Hand Release Push-Ups

  • Friday 11/25/22

    Strength Back Squat Workout 3 SETSAMRAP x 4 MINUTES*6 Front Squats8 Pull-Ups10 Box Jump Overs

  • Thursday 11/24/22

    Happy Thanksgiving! “GRATITUDE” (Time) 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME11 Power Snatches 400m Run12 Handstand Push-Ups22/18 Cal Bike12 Burpees