Category: WOD

  • Monday 10.10.16 WOD

    Weyerbacher Podium Finishers! Mike Shine & Patrick Reagan - Wayne

    Max Effort Upper Strength “Olympic Lifting Ladder” For Time: Touch and Go 10 @ 145,100,125,85 8 @ 155,110,135,95 6 @ 165,120,145,105 4 @ 175,130,155,115 2 @ 185,140,165,125 WOD “Achy Breaky Heart” 8 Rounds 30sec. Max Russian KB Swings (55,35) 30sec. Max Wall Balls (20,14) 30sec rest **Score total reps $ Out 80 V-Ups  

  • Sunday 10.9.16 WOD

    Frank Trapani - Ardmore

    Monster Mash! WOD “One Bar, 3 Girls” 21-15-9 Reps for Time: Thrusters (135,95) Pull-Ups Squat Cleans (135,95) Ring Dips Deadlifts (135,95) Handstand Push-Ups $ Out 21-15-9 Assault Bike Cals Row Cals GHD Sit Ups  

  • Saturday 10.8.16 WOD

    Dylan Davidson - First Birthday

    WOD Happy First Birthday Dylan! “Dylan” 15 Rounds 8 HR Push Ups 10 Power Snatches (75,55) $ Out Have a great weekend! WOD NOTES

  • Friday 10.7.16 WOD

    Stu Katzen - Ardmore

    Max Effort Upper WOD “Prince Stu” In 42min complete: 3k Row 1RM Bench Press 3k Row 1RM Split Jerk (from the rack) **Score total combined weight $ Out 2-2-2min AMRAPs Hand Stand Push Ups **rest 2min between each AMRAP  

  • Thursday 10.6.16 WOD

    Wayne 5:45am Crew

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Freestyle ‘Fran’” 45 Thrusters (95,65) 45 Pull Ups **Partition as needed to complete 45 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible. $Out Box Squat (2-2-2-2-2 @ 75%, below parallel)  

  • Wednesday 10.5.16 WOD

    Happy Birthday Jena Dubov

    Monster Mash! WOD Happy 27th Birthday Jenna Dubov! Enjoy this 27 minutes of work today!!! “Sticky Wicket” In a 7min window 800m Run 1 Rounds ‘Cindy’ Max Clean and Jerks (135,95,115,75) –3min Rest In a 7min window 600m Run 2 Rounds of ‘Cindy’ Max Clean and Jerks (155,105,135,95) –3min Rest In a 7min window 400m […]

  • Tuesday 10.4.16 WOD

    Asia Friedman - Ardmore

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Reverence” 800m Run 100 Dubs (x2) 50/40 Cal Bike 100 Dubs 800m Run $ Out 30-20-10 Row Cals 8 Bench Press after each row **heavier than last week but unbroken

  • Monday 10.3.16 WOD

    Patrick and Tanner - Wayne

    Max Effort Lower WOD “Pitfall” In 5min build to a 5RM TNG Squat Clean– –Then Immediately– 30 C2B 15 Squat Cleans 60 Cal Row 15 Squat Cleans 30 C2B **Work at 5RM weight $ Out 2x30cal Assault Bike Sprints **Rest 1:1  

  • Sunday 10.2.16 WOD

    Ali Glickman - Wayne

    Monster Mash! WOD “7 Nights in Philly” 7min AMRAP 14 Calories Row 7 Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 14 C2B –7min Rest– 7min AMRAP 7 Burpee Muscle-ups (bar or ring) 21 Dubs (x2) 7 Deadlifts (275,185,225,135) –7min Rest– 7min AMRAP 14 Lunges (95,65,75,55) 7 Hang Power Snatch (95,65,75,55) 14 T2B **Score total reps of each AMRAP $ Out […]

  • Saturday 10.1.16 WOD

    Announcement Join us Saturday at The Main Line CrossFit Wayne, during regular workout times, to WOD for a great cause and celebrate the opening of the new location with DONUTS, ICE CREAM, BEER and MIMOSAS. WOD Partner Up! “EOD 131 Memorial WOD” Teams of 2 65 Front Squats (135,95) 65 KB Swings (70,55) 16 Lateral […]