Category: WOD

  • Friday 9.30.16 WOD

    Merritt - Ardmore

    Max Effort Lower WOD “Wodapalooza/ WK2,WOD3&4” –0:00 – 5:00– 1RM Snatch –5:00 – 14:00– AMRAP 3,6,9,12,15….. Power Snatches (75,55,55,35) Box Jumps (24,20,20,16) –14:00 – 19:00– 1RM Snatch **Score total reps and snatch 1 + snatch 2 in comments $ Out 3×18 Barbell Windsheild Wipers  

  • Thursday 9.29.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Double “Grace”” 60 Clean and Jerks (135,95) $ Out 30-20-10 Cals Row 12 Bench Press after each set, heavier than last week  

  • Wednesday 9.28.16 WOD

    Officer David Vanbuskirk

    Monster Mash! WOD Partner Up, or complete Solo “DVB” For time: Run 1 mile with a 20/14 medicine ball Then, 8 rounds of: 10 wall-ball shots 1 rope ascent Run 800 meters with a 20/14 medicine ball Then, 4 rounds of: 10 wall-ball shots 1 rope ascent Run 400 meters with a 20/14 medicine ball […]

  • Tuesday 9.27.16 WOD

    Beth, Barrett, Maura and Tanner

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “Anarky” 42/37 Cal Row 42/37 Cal Bike 21 Squat Snatch (95,65,75,55) 30/25 Cal Row 30/25 Cal Bike 15 Squat Snatch 18/13 Cal Row 18/13 Cal Bike 9 Squat Snatch $ Out Box Squat (3-3-3-3-3-3 @ 70%, below parallel) **Complete every 90sec.  

  • Monday 9.26.16 WOD

    Jim Klopas - Wayne

    Max Effort Upper WOD In 6min find your 6RM “Bear Complex” –Then Immediately– “Down The Rabbit Hole” 1 Rounds 800m Run 80 Dubs (x3) 4 Bear Complexes –Then– 2 Rounds 400m Run 40 Dubs 2 Bear Complexes –Then– 3 Rounds 200m Run 20 Dubs 1 Bear Complexes **Rx = Work at your 6RM weight **Score […]

  • Sunday 9.25.16 WOD

    Monster Mash! WOD “The CrossFit Total” Back Squat (1 Rep Max) Shoulder Press (1 Rep Max) Deadlift (1 Rep Max) NOTES: We will take 15min to complete each lift in the below sequence. 1×5 @ 30% 1×3 @ 55% 1×2 @ 70% 1×1 @ 90% (or, a weight without a doubt you can do for a single) 1×1 […]

  • Saturday 9.24.16 WOD

    WOD “Forces of Nature” Teams of 3 25min AMRAP Buy In: 3k Row –Then– 30 STOH (45,35) 30 Squat Cleans (75,55) 30 STOH (105,75) 30 Squat Cleans (135,95) 30 STOH (165,115) Max Squat Cleans (195,135) **Split up row and reps however **Score total reps of STOH and Squat Cleans **One works, 2 rest $ Out […]

  • Friday 9.23.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Off **Prepare for CF Total Sunday 9.25.16 WOD “Trix” 5 Rounds 200m Run 15 Bench Press (95,65,75,55) 1 Seated legless rope climb (10′) $ Out 200m Walk with 2 heavy KBs in front rack position (70,55)  

  • Thursday 9.22.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Overhead Squat (10-8-6-4-2, from ground) **same weight across WOD “Heavy Isabel” 30 Squat Snatches (185,135,135,95) **15min time cap $ Out AMRAP 7 5 Burpees 5 Wall Balls  

  • Wednesday 9.21.16 WOD

    Bring a Friend! WOD “Dreaming way to loud!” 20min AMRAP Teams of 2 12/8 Cal Row 10 KB Swings (55,35) 50′ Lunge **Score total successful full rounds $ Out 4min Tabata Barbell Side Bends