Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 9.20.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Dawson’s Creek” 5 Rounds 50 Dubs (x3) 25 K2E 20sec. OH Barbell Hold (185,135,155,115) $ Out 30-20-10 Cals Row 15-15-15 Bench Press **moderate weight, no fails on 15 reps  

  • Monday 9.19.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Off **Prepare for CF Total Sunday 9.25.16 WOD “Bad, Bad, Not Good” 4 Rounds 15/12 Cal Assault Bike 12 Burpee Box Overs (20) 9 Clusters (135,95,115,75) **18min time cap, add 1 sec for every remaining rep $ Out 12 Round Tabata Row Sprint  

  • Sunday 9.18.16 WOD

    Monster Mash! Complete  each one of these short workouts as hard and fast as you can. Score each one separately. Wodify will add all the times together, for your total time worked. WOD “If you pace, you lose” — Begin at 0:00– 21 Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 21 Pull Ups –Begin at 5:00– 21 Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) 21 Burpee […]

  • Saturday 9.17.16 WOD

    WOD “The Donger” Teams of 3 EMOM for 24min 1. 2 Rope Climbs 2. 25 MB Sit Ups (14,10) 3. Max Calorie Row **Score total calories rowed for your team $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 9.16.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Squat Clean **In 6min build to a heavy WOD “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Clean, 135# / 95# Ring Dips **Athlete must pass through the front squat. Note in comments full squat clean required. $ Out 4min Tabata “L” Sit Holds  

  • Thursday 9.15.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Hillbilly Circus” 5min AMRAP 750m Row Buy In 6 Hang Snatches (95,65,75,55) 4 Burpee Bar Hops –5min Rest– 5min AMRAP 500m Row Buy In 4 Hang Snatches (115,75,95,65) 4 Burpee Bar Hops –5min Rest 5min AMRAP 250m Row 2 Hang Snatches (135,95,115,75) 4 Burpee Bar Hops **Score total reps $ Out […]

  • Wednesday 9.14.16 WOD

    Monster Mash! WOD “Ivan The Terrible” For Time 90 Seconds Jump Rope 50 Lunges 50 Push-Ups 50 Sit Ups 90 Seconds Jump Rope 40 Lunges 40 Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 90 Seconds Jump Rope 30 Lunges 30 Push-Ups 30 Sit-Ups 90 Seconds Jump Rope 20 Lunges 20 Push-Ups 20 Sit-Ups 90 Seconds Jump Rope 10 Lunges […]

  • Tuesday 9.13.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “The quick and the dead” 3-9-15-21-15-9-3 Deadlifts (205,135) Box Jumps (24,20) $ Out Panic Breathing 30-20-10 Assault Bike Cals 15-15-15 Back Squats at 55-65% 1RM **complete BS after each set of cals

  • Monday 9.12.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Warm-up 5 Rounds 20sec. HS Hold 20sec. Squat Test WOD “Wave On Wave” 5min AMRAP 21 Cal Row 21 Strict Press (95,65,75,55) –5min Rest– 5min AMRAP 15 Cal Row 15 Push Press (95,65,75,55) –5min Rest– 9 Cal Row 9 Push Jerk (95,65,75,55) **Score total reps $ Out Floor Press (2RM) Immediately Follow […]

  • Sunday 9.11.16 WOD

    WOD “9.11 Tribute WOD” Complete in Teams of 2: 2001 meter row 175 KB Swings (55,35) (represents Flight AA 175) 125 Burpees (represents those who died in the Pentagon on 9/11) 110 Thrusters (45,35) (represents the number of floors in each WTC Tower) 110 Overhead Barbell Lunges (45,35) 93 Box Jumps (24,20) (represents Flights 93) […]