Category: WOD

  • Saturday 9.10.16 WOD

    WOD Partner Up! “He said, She said….” Teams of 2 45min Time Cap 1. 400m run + 30 WBs (20,14) 2. 30 Thrusters + 30 SDHP (95,65) 3. 30 Sq. Cleans  + 30 STOH (95,65) 4. 3 Rds: 200m Run + 10 P. Snatches (95,65) 5. 40 KB Swings (55,35) + 20 Burpees 6. 400m […]

  • Friday 9.9.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper WOD Happy 28th Birthday Danielle Siravo and 30th Birthday Coach Ryan! In 35min Complete: 3 Mile Run –1min Rest– 28 DB Snatches (75,55,60,45) 30 GHD Sit Ups (scale to 45 sit ups) AMRAP Burpees over DB **Score AMRAP of Burpees $ Out Front Rack Hold (Max time @ 110% Clean, score seconds) […]

  • Thursday 9.8.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower WOD “The Chief” Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles ** Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 3 minutes, then rest 1 minute. Start each 3-minute cycle where you left off on the previous cycle. Repeat for a total […]

  • Wednesday 9.7.16 WOD

    Monster Mash! WOD “Panic Monster!” 400m Run ‘Fran’ (75,55,65,45) 400m Run ‘Fran’ (75,55,65,45) 400m Run **30min time cap **This workout is modeled after CrossFit Linchpin Test #1 $ Out Standing Heavy Band Crunches – 4×20  

  • Tuesday 9.6.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower WOD #1 Snatch EMOM 20min, 2 reps Increase weight every 4min. WOD #2 EMOM 15min Min 1- Row 250/200m Min 2 – Run 200m Min 3- 2 Bar Muscle Ups (x4 jumping) –Immediately– 5 Min AMRAP Burpees **Score successful rounds + burpees $ Out 3x1min GHD Face Up Plank  

  • Monday 9.5.16 WOD

    WOD “Fight Gone Bad” Three rounds of: Wall-ball Shots (20,14) Sumo deadlift high-pull (75,55) Box Jumps (20,20) Push-press (75,55) Row for cals 1-minute rest $ Out Have a great Labor Day!  

  • Sunday 9.4.16 WOD

    WOD Monster Mash! “Quick To Start…Slow To Finish” 400m Run 6 Bar Muscle Ups 800m Run 6 Rope Climbs, 15′ 400m Run 6 Ring Muscle ups **MU-scale to x2 jumping bar MU –Immediately– 800m Farmers Carry (55,35) **KB or DB in each hand –Immediately– 15-12-9 Cluster (115,75) Burpee Pull Ups **Pull Up Bar 6″ over […]

  • Saturday 9.3.16 WOD

    New Apparel Now on the Shelves WOD “2015 CrossFit Team Series Event 5” In Teams Complete: “Karen” 150 Wallballs (20,14) “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerks (135,95) “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225,155) HSPU “Randy” 75 Snatches (75,55) **Teams can consist of 2-4 Athletes **You must complete 1 WOD before moving to the next **Score total time, 40min […]

  • Friday 9.2.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower “Friends in low places” 3 Rounds 21 Deadlifts 15 Lunges (L+R=2) 9 Front Squats **135,95,105,75 $ Out Box Squat (Build to a heavy 3 reps) **Immediatley after complete 80 banded pull throughs  

  • Thursday 9.1.16 WOD

    Starting Tuesday 9.6.16 5:45am WOD! More info Dynamic Effort Upper WOD “Eva” 5 rounds for time: Run 800 meters 30 Kettlebell swing, 70# / 53# 30 Pull-ups **45min time cap $ Out Close Grip Bench (3×8 @ 60% + 15/10)  **If you come to a week where you fail, making only 6 of your 8 […]