Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 7.12.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Power Clean + Hang Power Clean (EMOM 6min x3 reps) **Increase weight every minute to a heavy 3 reps WOD “Jumping Isabel” 50 Dubs (x3) 15 Power Snatches (135,95) 50 Dubs 15 Power Snatches 50 Dubs $ Out 20 Depth Jump for Max Height **box height 24,20  

  • Monday 7.11.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower WOD “Dan” 4 Rounds for Load and Time 21 Overhead Squats 400 Meter Run **Athlete selects the weight for overhead squats. Score is load and time as pounds per second (ex: 135/13:05 = 135/785 = .172 lbs/sec). **Score pounds per second $ Out 4x 40 Scissor Kicks + 40 Flutter Kicks  

  • Sunday 6.10.16 WOD NOTES

    Monster Mash! WOD “Frantasy Land” 21-15-9 reps of: Thrusters (95,65) Pull-Ups 15-12-9 reps of: Thrusters (115,85) Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 12-9-6 reps of: Thrusters (135,95) Bar Muscle-Ups **40min time cap **If you do not have bar MU complete; jumping pull ups, pull ups, C2B $ Out 3×15 Partner MB Sit Ups

  • Saturday 7.9.16 WOD

    Bring a Friend and Partner Up! WOD “Diamonds and Gasoline” 24min AMRAP 12,8 Cal Bike 12,8 Cal Row 100m Run **Each Athletes will complete a full round $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 6.8.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper WOD #1 “Gwen” Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps ***Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets –Start WOD #2 @ 12min– WOD #2 “Dreadful Selfish Crime” In 18min Complete: 5 […]

  • Thursday 6.7.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Back Squat (15min EMOM) Min 1-5 (7 BS) Min 6-10 (5 BS) Min 11-15 (3 BS) **Score heaviest weight moved for most reps WOD **Last complete 2.23.15 “Tabata This!” Tabata Row Rest 1 minute Tabata Squat Rest 1 minute Tabata Pull-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Sit-up […]

  • Wednesday 6.6.15 WOD

    Monster Mash! WOD#1 “The Accidental Hipster” 3 Rounds 21 Deadlifts (135,95,115,75) 7 OHS (135,95,115,75) –5min Rest to WOD #2– WOD#2 “Ready for Confetti” 21-15-9 Hang Cleans (135,95,115,75) Box Jumps (24,20,20,16) –5min Rest to WOD #3– WOD#3 1000m Row  

  • Tuesday 6.5.16. WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Shoulder Press (10×2 @ 75%, EMOM 35sec.) Strength Bent Over Row (10×3 @ 75% shoulder press, EMOM 35sec.) WOD **Last complete 4.16.15 “Jackie on the road” 800m Run 50 Thrusters (45,35) 30 Pull Ups $ Out 2 Rounds 20 T2B 20 V-Ups 20 Supermans  

  • Monday 7.4.16 WOD

    Announcement Monday July 4th 8:30 & 9:30am WODs only **babysitting available at both times Max Effort Lower WOD “Bradshaw” 10 rounds for time of: 3 Handstand Push-ups 6 Deadlifts, 225 # 12 Pull-ups 24 Double-unders In honor of U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian Bradshaw, 24, of Steilacoom, Washington, died in Kheyl, Afghanistan, on June 25th, […]

  • Sunday 6.2.16 WOD

    Announcement Monday July 4th 8:30 & 9:30am WODs only **babysitting available at both times Monster Mash! WOD #1 “2016 Granite Games WOD #5” 14 min. AMRAP 70 Dubs 7 Muscle-Ups 7 Snatches (155,105,135,95,95,65) **7MU = 7C2B (scale) **70Dubs = x3 Singles (scale) **(Rx+,Rx,Scaled) **Score total reps –5min rest to WOD #2– WOD#2 “Main Line Beep […]