Category: WOD


    What does a fun and effective workout look like? Look no further than this barn burner coming up in the programming this week! CFML benchmark workout RIPCORD and benchmarks THE CHIEF and THE GHOST.THE WEEK AHEAD:Mon: Workout: DUBs, Row, Run, Sit-UpsTues: Strength: Bench Press – Workout: Bike, Pull-Ups, Push PressWed: Strength: Back Squats – […]

  • Monday 11/14/22

    Workout FOR TIME 300 Double Unders 2000/1750m Row 1 Mile Run 100 Sit-Ups

  • Sunday 11/13/22

    Strength 1 Power Snatch 2 Hang Power Snatch Workout 3 SETS 6-5-4 Power Snatches 12-10-8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

  • Saturday 11/12/22

    Workout 3 SETS FOR QUALITY 2:00 Cardio Choice 20 Alt. Russian Twists 20 Empty Barbell Bent Over Row* 10/10 SA DB Deficit Push-Ups 10/10 SA DB Upright Row (Athlete Choice, Moderate) 20 Empty Barbell Good Mornings 20 Alt. Russian Twists 2:00 Cardio Choice

  • Friday 11/11/22

    Workout 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in)Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb) Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women.

  • Thursday 11/10/22

    Strength Bench Press Workout 5 SETS ON A 2:00 RUNNING CLOCK… 15 Toes to Bar Max Shoulder to Overhead

  • Wednesday 11/9/22

    Strength Deadlift Workout AMRAP x 10 MINUTES 8 Deadlifts 6 Hang Power Clean 200m Run

  • Tuesday 11/8/22

    Strength Back Squat Workout 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 20 Wall Balls 20 Burpees


    Boom, and just like that, we’re in November. This month we will be slamming the pedal to the metal twice a week with SPRINT-style workouts. Coming off long GRIND workouts we should have a solid conditioning base and now we challenge that base with fast bursts of energy for single or multiple efforts. We will […]

  • Monday 11/7/22

    Workout 3 SETS: AMRAP x 5 MINUTES* 18 Russian KB Swings 12 Ring Rows 8/6 Cal Bike