Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 5.3.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (6×3 @ 60% + red band) WOD “Death By Clean & Jerks” EMOM Complete 1,2,3,4,5,6….. Clean and Jerks **Rx+ 135,95 **Rx 95,65 **Score total reps $ Out 10×5 Overhead Barbell Sit Ups, heavy  

  • Monday 5.2.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Clean + 3 Front Squats **Build to a heavy WOD “Captain Comeback” 20 Burpees Over Bar 20 Hang Squat Snatches (95,65,75,55) 20 Burpees Over Bar 20 Hang Squat Snatches **Name given to quarterback Roger Staubach during his career with the Dallas Cowboys during the 1970s for his ability to bring back […]

  • Saturday 4.30.16 WOD

    ‘AB’ril ends today at 11:30am Partner Up! WOD “Dog Fight” (last completed 12.6.14) Teams of 2 EMOM for 30min 1 Cluster (135,95) 5 Box Jumps (24,20) 5 Sit Ups 5 Pull Ups **Rotate partners every round **Score completed rounds **Pull Ups – modify to jumping pull ups $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Sunday 5.1.16 WOD

    Competition Day! WOD “Under Siege” 4min AMRAP “Flight Simuator” 5,10,15…50…15,10,5 **Rx+ Unbroken Dubs –5min Rest– 13min AMRAP 100 Cal Row 80 STOH (85,55,65,45) 60 Hang Power Cleans 40 Deadlifts 20 Burpee Bar Hops –5min Rest– 4min Up ladder 1,2,3,4,5…. Pull Ups Wall Balls (20,14,14,12) –Immediately Start– 4min AMRAP Thrusters (95,65,75,55) **Score total reps of each […]

  • Friday 4.29.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength 2″ Deficit Deadlift (2RM) **Conventional stance and grip, on 2″ elevated surface WOD “Exit Wounds “ 40 Cal Assault Bike 30 Box Jumps (24,20) 20 T2B 10 Squat Cleans (185,135,155,115) 20 T2B 30 Box Jumps 40 Cal Assault Bike $ Out 2 Rounds 50 Barbell Side Bends (L+R=2) 30 Barbell Back Ext. […]

  • Thursday 4.28.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (Speed Bench 6×5 @ 55% + band tension ) WOD “Flight Of Fury” 20min EMOM Odds: 10 SDHP (75,55,65,45) + 5 HSPU Evens: 12/10 Cal Row **Score total successful rounds, top score 20 $ Out 50′ Overhead Barbell Walk, build to heavy weight  

  • Wednesday 4.27.16 WOD

    Competition Day! Todays Competition WOD written by Coach Matt. WOD “Everest” In 30min Complete: 10 – Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) 20 – Power Cleans (135,95,105,75) 30 – Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 40 – Push Press (45,35,35,25) 50 – Ring Dips 60 – Ring Rows 70 – Alt. V-Ups (L+R=2) 80 – Standing Back Extensions (25,15) 90 – Dubs (Scale=x3) […]

  • Tuesday 4.26.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Back Box Squat – Single Red Band (6×5 @ 55% + band) Below Parallel **5% heavier than last week WOD “Executive Decision” 1600m  Run 21 KB Swings, 21 Goblet Squats 800m Run 15 KB Swings, 15 Goblet Squats 400m Run 9 KB Swings, 9 Goblet Squats **Loading (70,55,55,35) **21min time cap […]

  • Monday 4.25.16 WOD

    Stephanie - Wayne

    Max Effort Upper Strength DB Floor Press (1×12) Build to a heavy 12 reps WOD 18min EMOM “Chelsea” 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats **Goal is to make it through 18 consecutive rounds **Score total consecutive rounds $ Out 5 Rounds 10 GHD Sit Ups 10 Back Extensions  

  • Sunday 4.24.16 WOD

    Competition Day! WOD “Purple Rain” 1999 second AMRAP 4 BAR MU (Rx=Mu attempts or 8PU+8Ring Dips) 5 Burpee Bar Hops 6 Clean and Jerks (135,95,115,75) 13 HR Push ups 39 Air Squats 100 Dubs (x2) **4 live albums, 5 #1 singles, 6 compilations, 13EPs, 39 studio albums, 100 million records sold $ Out In 3min […]