Category: WOD

  • Sunday 3.3.16 WOD

    WOD Todays Competition WOD, courtesy of Coach Byrnsey “Trust me…I’m a Doctor” — 0min -12min — 100 Dubs (x2) 90 Walking Lunges (L+R=2) 80 Air Squats — 12min – 24min– 70 Push Ups 60 Russian KB Swings (55,35) 50 Box Jumps (20,20) — 24min – 36min — 40 Pull Ups 30 Ring Dips 20 Burpees […]

  • Saturday 4.2.16 WOD

    WOD “Prancercise” Teams of 2 EMOM 5 Thrusters (95,65,75,55), until you and your partner complete 100 Burpees –3min Rest– 5 Rounds Each EMOM 5m-10m-15m Shuttle Run Max KB Swings (55,35,45,25) **Score total time and total KB swings in comments **WOD #1: Alt. partners every round. Resting partner holds deadlift in lockout (135,95,115,75) **WOD #2: Alt. […]

  • Friday 4.1.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength 30 Bar Muscle Ups – For Time **Scale to 60 banded C2B or PU **EC: + vest **10min time cap WOD “Bombshell” In 18min 5 Rounds 400/300m Row Max Ubroken STOH (95,65,75,55) **Score total STOH, no resting on shoulders or overhead. Must be continuous movement. $ Out 4×12 AB Ring Fallouts  

  • Thursday 3.31.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Depth Jump for max height **Score max inches over PVC **Step off box at knee height WOD “Sprint Tri” 1000m Run 2000m Row 3000m Bike **30min time cap **If you do not finish score 30min and remaining distance in comments $ Out GHD Paddeling 3x30sec forwards and backwards  

  • Wednesday 3.30.16 WOD

    Competition Day! WOD 45min AMRAP “The Seven” 7 Handstand Push-ups 7 Thrusters (135,95) 7 Knees-To-Elbows 7 Deadlifts (245,170) 7 Burpees 7 Kettlebell Swings (70,55) 7 Pull-ups **Complete as many reps as possible in 45min. Score your total reps every 15min A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officers and one Jordanian officer at a remote base […]

  • Tuesday 3.29.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Mobility: 5min Strength: 15min Bench Press (Score 3×6) 1×8 @ 50% 1×6 @ +5# 1×6 @ +5# 3×6 @ +5# WOD “Philanderder” 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 KB Swings (70,55,55,35) 3 Bar Muscle Ups (6PU+6PU) $ Out 4min – 20sec Assault Bike, 20sec Sit Ups  

  • Monday 3.28.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Squat Clean (Score 3×6) 1×8 @ 50% 1×6 @ +5# 1×6 @ +5# 3×6 @ +5# WOD “Smooth Operator” 41 MB Cleans (20,14,14,12) 21 Back Squats (135,95,115,75) 30 MB Cleans 15 Back Squats 18 MB Cleans 9 Back Squats **BS from ground $ Out 3×12 MB Slams  

  • Sunday 3.27.16 WOD

    CrossFit Main Line – Wayne Now holding WODs at 821 W. Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA. Devon Village Shopping Center (Whole Foods Shopping Center) Competition Day WOD “Hallelujah” 21-15-9 Cal Row Deadlifts (185,135,155,105) –5min Rest– 18-15-12 Cal Row Power Snatch (115,75,95,65) –5min Rest– 15-12-9 Cal Row OHS (95,65,75,55) –5min Rest– 100′ Walking Barbell Lunge **Walking Lunge, […]

  • Saturday 3.26.16 WOD

    WOD “Coquette” Partner Up! In 30min complete: 2400m Run 50 Unison T2B (K2E) 100 Wall Balls (20,14,14,12) 50 Squat Cleans (135,95,115,75) 100 Pull Ups (jumping pull ups) 50 Unison Burpees **Run completed 200m sprint at a time, each partner runs 12 sprints **Unison T2B, both partners can count reps as long as they are both […]

  • Friday 3.25.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Snatch Grip Deadlift (1RM) WOD “Temptress” In 20min from a rack: 20 Back Squats (225,155,185,135) 1mile run 20 Back Squats $ Out 3×20 Partner Leg Tosses