Category: WOD

  • Tuesday 2.23.16 WOD

    So Much To Announce! Wednesday 2.23.16 Movie Night @ CFML – Wayne Friday 2.25.16 – Friday Night Lights and Coach Kevin B-Day Party Dynamic Effort Lower Sumo Deadlift (10×1 @ 70% + band tension) Build to 70%, then every 20sec for 10 rds WOD Happy Birthday Coach Matt! “Matteo” 5 Rounds 25′ Hand Stand Walk (Rx=x3 […]

  • Monday 2.22.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper On an 18min running clock complete: WOD “CrossFit Open 2016 Prediction #1” 12min AMRAP 3,6,9,12,15….. Row For Cals Snatches (75,55,65,45) HSPU **Score total reps Strength Clean and Jerk (1RM, 6min) $ Out 3×30 Standing Heavy Banded Ab Crunches  

  • Sunday 2.21.16 WOD

    Explosive Strength Warm-up 5 Rounds 5 Pull Ups 10 Sit Ups 15 Walking Lunges WOD #1 “A Hero and His Lady” 12min AMRAP 1RD “Chelsea” + 1RD “DT” 5 Pull Ups + 10 Push + 15 Squats 12 Deadlifts (155,105) 9 Hang Power Cleans (155,105) 6 Push Jerks (155,105) **Score Rounds + Reps At 18min […]

  • Saturday 2.20.16 WOD

    Announcement CrossFit Open FREE Skills Clinic #2 Saturday 12-1:30 – Ardmore Dubs, Pull Ups, HSPU WOD Partner Up! “The Southern Blitz” In 40min Complete: 50 Thrusters (95,65,75,55) 50 Burpees 50 Bar Muscle Ups (Rx=C2B) 1 Mile Run –5min Rest– 50 T2B (Rx=K2E) 50 Cals Assault Bike **Score time, if you do not finish your score […]

  • Friday 2.19.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Close Grip Bench (1RM  ) WOD “Snatch Speed Ladder” 12-9-6 Snatch (135,95,95,65) Snatch (155,105,105,75) Snatch (185,125,125,95) –At 8min mark start WOD #2 WOD #2 100 Sit Ups 100 Dubs (x3) $ Out 4x30sec Superman holds  

  • Thursday 2.18.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Sumo Deadlift (24×1 @ 50% + Band Tension ) **Record weight and band color in comments WOD Happy 18th Birthday Jack Dwyer. Join Jack at the 6am Wayne workout. “Jack’s Complex” 18 Min AMRAP 1 Clean Complex 1 Bar Complex **Todays weight is based on your age. Start with a bar weighing […]

  • Wednesday 2.17.16 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD “Tabata Fight Gone Bad” Complete 8 consecutive intervals of each movement before moving to the next: Wallballs (20,14) SDHP (75,55) Box Jumps (20,20) Push Press (75,55) Row For Cals **1 Interval = 20 sec. Work + 10sec. Rest **There is no additional rest between exercises **Each exercise is scored by the weakest […]

  • Tuesday 2.16.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Thruster (6×3 @ 60% from rack) WOD “Riding Dirty” Assault Bike, Teams of 2 Rotate with Partner for 5miles Max Distance hold at Rx+ 85,75 RPMs Rx 75,65 RPMs **Score time of completion $ Out 6x30sec PVC Paddeling **Rotate rounds forward and backward, anchor feet  

  • Monday 2.15.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Box Squat (3RM, wide stance, at parallel) WOD “The God Father” 40/30 Calorie Row 40 Bounds (20,16) 40 Deadlifts (185,135,135,95) 40 Wall Balls (20,14) 40 Deadlifts 40 Bounds 40/30 Calorie Row **20min time cap **20min time cap **If time cap is reached, score 20:00min and remaining reps in comments $ Out 3×15 […]

  • Sunday 2.14.16 WOD

    Announcements: CF Open Apparel:  Pre-order Now! Sun 2.14 Valentines Day WOD & Party Sat. 2.20 FREE Double Under and Pull Ups/Handstand Push Up Clinic Happy Valentines Day! WOD #1 “The Break Up” Teams of 2 1,2,3,4,5,6…. Shoulder to Overhead (95,65) Burpees **Each Athlete will have their own barbell and will work at the same time. EMOM […]