Category: WOD

  • Sunday 11/6/22

    Strength EMOM x 12 MINUTESMIN 1 – 10 Back Rack Reverse Lunge (R)MIN 2 – 10 Back Rack Reverse Lunge (L)MIN 3 – :45 EZ Cardio Workout 4 ROUNDS FOR TIME24 Double Unders18 Chest to Bars12 Back Squat (155/105)|(115/75)6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

  • Saturday 11/5/22

    Workout AMRAP x 20 MINUTES25/20 Cal Bike20 Up-Downs15 KB Sumo Deadlift (70/53)|(53/35)10 Russian KB Swings

  • Friday 11/4/22

    Strength Clean & Jerk Workout EMOM x 10 MINUTES1 Power Clean & Jerk (75% of 1-Rep Heavy) + 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) -Rest with Time Remaining-(Score is Weight)

  • Thursday 11/3/22

    Workout 5 SETSON A 4:00 RUNNING CLOCK…35/30 Cal Row15 Hand Release Push-Ups15 Ring Rows-Rest with Time Remaining-

  • Wednesday 11/2/22

    Strength Front Squat Workout AMRAP x 12 MINUTES24 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)12 Toes to Bar

  • Tuesday 11/1/22

    Workout FOR TIME:800m Run100 Double Unders30 DB Farmer Lunges 15 DB Renegade Rows400m Run75 Double Unders20 DB Farmer Lunges10 DB Renegade Rows200m Run50 Double Unders10 DB Farmer Lunges5 DB Renegade Row


    Who doesn’t love a challenge and even better, who doesn’t like black out bingo!!! Pick-up your bingo card at your gym and get to work. The goal is to “black out” your bingo card by completing the Row-vember challenges over the month of November.  Each bingo card will be displayed at the gym so we […]

  • Monday 10/31/22

    Strength Snatch Workout 13 ROUNDS FOR TIME2 Hang Squat Snatch (135/95)|(95/65)4 Burpees Over Bar6 Pull-Ups

  • Sunday 10/30/22

    Workout AMRAP x 20 MINUTES30/25 Cal Bike60 Crossbody Mountain Climbers30 Up-Downs

  • Saturday 10/29/22

    Workout 3 SETS:50/40 Cal Row40 Wall Balls 30 Box Jump Overs 20 Alt. Pistols10 Sumo Deadlifts