Category: WOD

  • Sunday 1.24.16 WOD

    Explosive Strength Gymnastics Deficit Handstand Push-ups (1RM for max depth, score total inches) WOD “The Chief” Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles $ Out 4×12 Barbell Roll Outs  

  • Saturday 1.23.16 WOD

    WOD Partner Up! War Games (Time) Teams of 2 3 Rounds 40 Wall Balls (20,14) 40 SDHP (75,55) 40 Box Jumps (24,20) 40 Push Press (75,55) 40 Cal Row **1min mandatory Rest between each round $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 1.22.16 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Deadlift (Build to a heavy, 2 position pause: 2″ off ground + knee) WOD “Squatting ‘Annie’” 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs (x3) Sit Ups –Pair With– 6-8-10-12-14 Back Squats from Rack (185,135,155,115) $ Out 3x20sec Forward & Backwards PVC Paddeling w/ feet anchored  

  • Thursday 1.21.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Split Jerk (EMOM for 10min x2 @ 70%, from rack) WOD “Overboard” In 20min Complete: 30-20-10 Bench Press (BW,75%) Ring Dips (Strict, Kipping) Pull Ups (Strict, Kipping) **Score time $ Out 3×15 Sit Ups, feet NOT anchored **2sec up, 5sec down  

  • Wednesday 1.20.16 WOD

    Explosive Strength Warm-up Olympic Lifting Warm Up with Coach WOD “CrossFit Open Prep #3” 27 Calorie Row 27 GTOH (95,65,75,55) 21 Calorie Row 21 GTOH 15 Calorie Row 15 GTOH 9 Calorie Row 9 GTOH $ Out 3×20 MB Twist with feet anchored  

  • Tuesday 1.19.16 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Back Squat (EMOM 10×2 @ 70%) WOD “Get Fuzzy” 5 Rounds 10 Deadlifts (225,155,185,135) 10 Cleans (135,95,115,75) 10 C2B (Pull Ups) **1 barbell per Athlete **Score time $ Out 100 Barbell Side Bends  

  • Monday 1.18.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Thruster (1RM  ) **Take from rack WOD “Hägar the Horrible” 15min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12…… DB Clusters (45,25,35,15) 100m Shuttle Run **Score total reps (100m = 1 Rep) **Perform Shuttle Run in 10m increments **Shuttle sprints will be inside 🙂 $ Out 4×12 MB Wall Balls **Perform a sit up facing the wall and […]

  • Sunday 1.17.16 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Power Snatch (3RM Hang Power Snatch + OHS) **HPS+HPS+HPS+OHS **Complete as EMOM. Min 1-3 less than 50% Min 3-6 50-80% Min 6-10 1RM WOD #1 7min AMRAP Cals on Assault Bike **Score total Cals 7min Rest to WOD #2 WOD #2 “Pearls Before Swine” 7min AMRAP 9 Hang Snatches (95,65,75,55) 21 Dubs (x3) […]

  • Saturday 1.16.16 WOD

    WOD Happy 41st Birthday Jonah! Join Jonah at the 8:30am WOD in Ardmore. Beat him at the 8:30am WOD and get a special treat from Viking Bakery! “Chase the Jonah!” Hedge your bets against your Partner or complete solo and chase Jonah! 200 Run 41 KB Swings (55,35,45,25) 41 Jumping Pull Upsa 200m Run 41 […]

  • Friday 1.15.16 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Hang Power Clean (1RM  ) WOD “The Far Side” 2 Rounds 1 Bear Complex (135,95,115,75) 15 Box Jumps (24,20,20,16) 2min Rest 2 Rounds 1 Bear Complex 15 Box Jumps 2min Rest 2 Rounds 1 Bear Complex 15 Box Jumps **1BC = (7) C +FS + PP + BS + BNP **BC does […]