Category: WOD

  • Saturday 12.5.15 WOD

    WOD “LBJ” Teams of 2 50-40-30-20-10 Hang Power Snatch (75,55) Box Jumps (20,20) 50-40-30-20-10 OHS (75,55) T2B 50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls (14,10)(11′,9′) Burpees **45min time cap $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 12.4.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (1RM, less than 10 reps past 50%) WOD “Eisenhower” 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Back Squats (155,105) Shoulder to Overhead **20 Dubs (x3) after each set **18min time cap $ Out 3 x 20 Partner Leg Throws **Middle, Left, Right  

  • Thursday 12.3.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (3×3 wide, 3×3 med, 3×3 close @ 60% + band tension) WOD “Nixon” 21 Power cleans (135,95) 21 Pull Ups 3 Rope Climbs 15 Power Cleans 15 Pull Ups 2 Rope Climbs 9 Power Cleans 9 Pull Ups 1 Rope Climb $ Out 3 Rounds: Minute 1 – :40s Abmat […]

  • Wednesday 12.2.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength WOD “Victorious Secret” 4 Rounds 21 Bounds (24,20) 18 Wall Balls (20,14) 15 KB Swings (55,35) 12 HSPU $ Out 3x :30sec. GHD PVC Paddling **30sec. backward, 30sec. forward  

  • Tuesday 12.1.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Box Squats (Box Squats (10×2 @ 60% + band tension, low box, normal box squat stance) WOD “Dirty Isabel” 6 Rounds 5 Squat Snatches (115,75) 5 Burpees $ Out 3×20 Heavy Band Crunches  

  • Monday 11.30.15 WOD

    Max Effort Upper Strength Power Clean + Push Press (1RM) WOD “13.2 – Heavy and Low” 15min AMRAP 5 STOH (135,95) 10 Deadlifts (135,95) 15 Box Jumps (20,20) $ Out 3x Static Ab Holds – 1 Minute Middle, 30 Seconds Per Side  

  • Sunday 11.29.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Gymnastics Ring Dip Progression Skill Work WOD Near Death Flex-Perience (2 Rounds for reps) Death By Ring Dips —5min Rest– Death By Hang Power Cleans (60% BW) **Perform 1 rep on the first min, 2 on the second and so on until you can not complete the given reps in the given time **Minimum […]

  • Saturday 11.28.15 WOD

    WOD Partner Up! “Partner Fight Gone Bad” 2 Rounds: 3:00 Wall Balls (20,14) 3:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75,55) 3:00 Box Jumps (20,20) 3:00 Push Press (75,55) 3:00 Row for Cals 3:00 Rest **1 works one rest, score total reps $ Out Have a great weekend!  

  • Friday 11.27.15 WOD

    WOD “Rene” 7 rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Walking Lunges 15 Pull-Ups 9 Burpees **2 Options: 45min time cap or complete 5 rounds *If you have a 20-lb. weight vest or body armor, wear it. Danish Army Sgt. René Brink Jakobsen of Vang, Denmark, died Jan. 3, 2013 To learn more about Rene click here […]

  • Thursday 11.26.15 WOD

    Thanksgiving Team WOD @ Radnor Memorial Park 9am Bring your family and friends to Radnor Memorial Park 9am for a CrossFit Chipper down the turf field and a friendly game of flag football after. Note: We will have multiple sets of barbells, dumbbells and kettle bells available so that all levels of Athletes can participate. WOD “Don’t […]