Category: WOD

  • Wednesday 11.25.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Snatch Complex (5 x Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Full Snatch) **Build to a heavy, complete every 2min WOD “Man Land” 1000m Row 50 Snatches (75,55) 750m Row 35 Snatches 500m Row 20 Snatches $ Out 4 x 1min Overhead Barbell Hollow Holds  

  • Tuesday 11.24.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (9×3 @ 55% + band tension) 3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow WOD “Heavy Petting” 400m Run 15-12-9 Thrusters (75, 55) Pull Ups 400m Run 12-9-6 Thrusters Pull Ups 400m Run $ Out 4×20 Banded Side Bends, per side  

  • Monday 11.23.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Back Squat (1RM) WOD “The White Knuckler” 10 Rounds 250m Row 30sec. Deadlift Hold at Lockout (365, 215) **Scale to a weight that you are able to do most sets unbroken. If you break up sets accumulate 30sec. $ Out 4×10 GHD Sit Ups, Banded to Parallel  

  • Sunday 11.22.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Snatch (1RM) Strength Clean and Jerk (1RM) WOD Row 4000 meters, every 2 minutes stop and complete 10 air squats **Score time $ Out 3×50 Standing Heavy Band Crunches Announcements Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.26.15 9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed Friday 11.27.15 9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs) Holiday […]

  • Saturday 11.21.15 WOD

    Don’t forget…. Free Handstand Push Up Clinic Saturday 12-2pm WOD “Animal House” **Split class into two teams **Start with 1min MAX DUBs (x3). **Team with most DUBs gets to choose which AMRAP to start on. 4 Rounds AMRAP 1 4min AMRAP 5 Overhead Squats (95,65) 10 DB Snatches (60,35) 15 DUBs (x1) AMRAP 2 4min […]

  • Friday 11.20.15 WOD

    Don’t forget…. Free Handstand Push Up Clinic Saturday 12-2pm Max Effort Lower Back Squat (1 Attempt Max Reps Back Squat (45,35)) **You may not stop movement WOD “Deck of Cards” Split Class into 2 Teams:. Hearts = HR Push Ups Diamonds = T2B Spades = MB Cleans (20,14) Clubs = Pull Ups **Cards are flipped over […]

  • Thursday 11.19.15 WOD

    Don’t forget…. Free Handstand Push Up Clinic Saturday 12-2pm Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (9×3 @ 50% + band tension) 3×3 Wide, 3×3 Normal, 3×3 Narrow WOD “Rowing Helen” 3 Rounds for Time: Row 500m 21 Kettlebell swings (55,35) 12 pull-ups $ Out DB Grip Work 3 x Max time hold end of DB Announcements […]

  • Wednesday 11.18.15 WOD

    Don’t forget…. Free Handstand Push Up Clinic Saturday 12-2pm Explosive Strength Strength Snatch From Blocks (3×3 @ 65% Below Knee, 3×3 @ 65% Above Knee) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar WOD “CrossFit Games Open 13.1” 17-Minute AMRAP of: 40 Burpees to a 6″ target 30 Snatches, 75# / 45# […]

  • Tuesday 11.17.15 WOD

    Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.26.15 9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed Friday 11.27.15 9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs) Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Box Squats (10×2 @ 50% + band tension, low box, normal stance) WOD “No Scrubs” 21 Cal Row 21 Thrusters (95,65) 15 Cal Bike 15 Thrusters 9 Cal Row 9 Thrusters 15 […]

  • 11.16.15 WOD

    Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Thursday 11.26.15 9am Outdoor WOD Radnor Memorial Park, map below. Boxes Closed Friday 11.27.15 9:30am & 4:30pm (babysitting at both WODs) Max Effort Upper Strength Bench Press (1RM + 1 block) **Use a single  yoga block to decrease to eccentric load WOD “C’mon ‘n Ride The Train” In 12min Complete: 3 Rounds 10 Hang […]