Category: WOD

  • Sunday 11.15.15 WOD

    Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open!  Explosive Strength Strength Snatch From Blocks (3×3 @ 65% 1RM snatch from blocks) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar 3×3 Below Knee 3×3 Above Knee WOD 1 “CrossFit Games Open 14.1” 10-Minute AMRAP of: 30 Double-Unders 15 Power Snatches, 75# / 55# ***Rest 5min […]

  • Saturday 11.14.15 WOD

    Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open!  WOD “EOD Team WOD” Teams of 2 65 Front Squats (135,95) 65 KB Swings (70,55) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 Hang Power Cleans (135,95) 65 KB Push Press, single arm (70,55) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 C2B 65 Box Jumps (30,24) 16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees 65 […]

  • Friday 11.13.15 WOD

    Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open!  Max Effort Upper Strength Power Snatch (1RM) WOD “Candle in the wind” 10 Dubs (x3) 50 STOH (75,55) 20 Dubs 40 STOH (95,65) 30 Dubs 30 STOH (115,75) 40 Dubs 20 STOH (135,95) 50 Dubs 10 STOH (155,115) $ Out For 10min 1min Max Distance Row 1min Rest  

  • Thursday 11.12.15 WOD

    Holiday Amazing Race – Registration Open! Dynamic Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (6×3 @ 75%) WOD Happy 32nd Birthday Talia! Enjoy 32 Reps of each… 8 Rounds 4 Power Clean + Squat Clean (135,95) 4 “Reps” of: 1 Burpee + 2 T2B **Join Talia at the 4:30 WOD – Ardmore. If you beat her she might let you […]

  • Wednesday 11.11.15 WOD

    Today we’d like to honor and thank all those who have served our country. If it were not for your selfless acts of courage we would not enjoy the freedom we have today. Your service is appreciated and inspirational to us all. HAPPY VETERANS DAY Explosive Strength WOD “Holbrook” 10 Rounds each for time: 5 […]

  • Tuesday 11.10.15 WOD

    Dynamic Effort Upper Strength Press Complex (6×1 @ 75% Push Press+Push Jerk + Split Jerk) WOD “It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay….” 21-15-9 Snatch (115,75) T2B $ Out 2 Rounds 400m Row 40 DB Floor Press  

  • Monday 11.9.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Front Squat (1RM , 2 second pause in bottom) WOD “Foolish Games” 4 x 2min Rounds 15 Deadlifts (225,135) Max Wall Balls (20,14) 1min Rest **Score total wall balls $ Out 400m Empty Sled Push  

  • Sunday 11.8.15 WOD

    Explosive Strength Strength Clean From Blocks (@65% 1 RM Clean and Jerk ) Use blocks or foam pads to raise the height of the bar 3×3 Below Knee 3×3 Above Knee WOD “End Of The Road” 21 OHS (95,65) 21 Banded KB Russian Swings (55,35 + red band) 5 Rope Climbs 15 OHS 15 Banded KB […]

  • Saturday 11.7.15 WOD

    WOD Partner Up! Or, Complete Solo “Filthy Fifty” For Time: 50 Box jumps, 24″ 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood 50 steps Walking Lunge 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45# 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20# 50 Burpees 50 Double unders **30min time cap $ Out Have a great […]

  • Friday 11.6.15 WOD

    Max Effort Lower Strength Good Mornings (8RM, flexed knee) WOD “Wonderwall” 5min AMRAP Squat Clean + Jerk (135,95) 5min Rest 5min AMRAP Squat Clean + Jerk (135,95) **Score total Clean and Jerks $ Out 2 Rounds 10 Strict TTB 20 AbMat Sit-Ups 30 Hip Extensions 40 Flutter Kicks 50 Banded Good Mornings 60 Second Plank Hold […]